An Update and a Poll

Dec 29, 2009 17:17

Hello all! I hope you all had good Christmasses - I certainly did. As always it was pleasantly quiet and lazy. We had my grandmother to stay, and while she can be rather high-maintenance, it is in the nicest possible way and it was good to have her around ( Read more... )

christmas, chalion

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Comments 12

solochan December 30 2009, 14:33:49 UTC
If I had any idea to organize a community, I'd love to help. This sounds like a great idea, Chalion needs more love!!!

And I'm glad you had a good Christmas <3


gilpin25 December 30 2009, 20:14:18 UTC
Glad to hear you had a nice Christmas! What DVDs did you get? And what's the, hopefully, appropriate word of the day for October 25th?!

I'd be very interested in joining a Chalion community. Regretfully, I've has to sit on my hands when it came to the helping set up part as I have solemnly sworn to not take on anything else next year, but I'll be cheering you on.:D


katyhasclogs January 4 2010, 19:07:53 UTC
What DVDs did you get?

Two BBC period dramas - Our Mutual Friend and David Copperfield.

I'd be very interested in joining a Chalion community. Regretfully, I've has to sit on my hands when it came to the helping set up part as I have solemnly sworn to not take on anything else next year, but I'll be cheering you on.

That's cool. I'm pleased it's something that people might be interested in, and if I could send the odd question your way regarding running this sort of thing, that would be more than help enough. :)


gilpin25 January 6 2010, 11:48:52 UTC
Ask away. :) I'm not very good on the technical side of things, but I do know two people who are!

Our Mutual Friend is one of my favourite adaptions. I loved Steven Mackintosh in it.


mrstater December 30 2009, 23:17:21 UTC
I do think this is a fabulous idea. I'd love to have helped, but with the Tater Tot on the way, my fandom time is going to be severely limited! Can't wait to participate where I can, though!


katyhasclogs January 4 2010, 19:00:34 UTC
You know, I think you might just have an adequate excuse there. ;)

Seriously though, I'm glad you'd be interested in participating and think it sounds interesting.


katyscarlett76 January 4 2010, 22:10:23 UTC
I love to see a Chalion comm started up! I put no for the "do you know anyone else who might be interested" question because I think all the Chalion fans I know are already on your flist! Also I put "maybe" for help in running the comm mainly because I've never done that before either so I don't know if you'd prefer some experience rather than another newbie! I'll definitely be looking out for more details whatever happens! I actually just re-read Chalion and actually have a fic in the works (based on a prompt you gave me last year!)

I have no Caz icons! Remus will have to do.


katyhasclogs January 13 2010, 12:00:56 UTC
I love to see a Chalion comm started up!


Also I put "maybe" for help in running the comm mainly because I've never done that before either so I don't know if you'd prefer some experience rather than another newbie!

No, not necessarily, I just don't want to do it on my own. Fancy it?

I actually just re-read Chalion and actually have a fic in the works (based on a prompt you gave me last year!)

Oooh, that sounds good - I'll be looking forward to that then. :)


katyscarlett76 January 14 2010, 18:28:25 UTC
Fancy it?

Okay, sure! I'm going to try to be a bit more proactive online, as lately I've just kind of browsed through things aimlessly and hours go by and I haven't even left any comments, so this will help!


katyhasclogs January 15 2010, 16:46:23 UTC

Discussing it might be a bit easier by email, especially as I'm not getting any notifications. I'll PM you my address if you'll PM me yours. :)


shimotsuki January 5 2010, 21:10:30 UTC
What a great idea! I would definitely be interested in joining a Chalion-related community.

There are a couple of LMB-related communities already, but (especially based on what got posted at last year's ficathon) it looks like the Vorkosigan-related fics and discussions greatly outnumber the Chalion ones (and there's not much activity at all related to Sharing Knife, which makes me wonder). Still, it might be worth announcing your comm at those sites if you do decide to start it. I'm thinking of bujold_fic in particular, but there's also lmbujold, a discussion comm.

And as for the last question, unfortunately, I don't think I'd have a lot of time to be involved in running a comm or anything until maybe summer, but I might well be able to help with certain specific things if you needed to delegate. :)


katyhasclogs January 8 2010, 11:29:28 UTC
What a great idea! I would definitely be interested in joining a Chalion-related community.


There are a couple of LMB-related communities already, but (especially based on what got posted at last year's ficathon) it looks like the Vorkosigan-related fics and discussions greatly outnumber the Chalion ones

Yeah, it was exactly that lack of Chalion stuff that made me want to set up something specific, the idea being that it might encourage more Chalion fic and discussion. If it doesn't work out, I'm ok with that, but I reckon it's worth a try. :)

And as for the last question, unfortunately, I don't think I'd have a lot of time to be involved in running a comm or anything until maybe summer, but I might well be able to help with certain specific things if you needed to delegate. :)

That's ok, I kind of expected you wouldn't have the time. In fact, I'm not entirely sure whether I have the time, lol. I'll keep your offer of occasional help in mind though. :)


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