A meme and other stories...

Oct 11, 2007 09:45

First things first, I really haven't written enough to warrant doing the questions meme, seeing as I've only managed two one-shots and a drabble, but I really fancy doing it, so in the unlikely event that anyone has a question, here's the offer:

Leave a comment to ask any of my characters, from any of my stories, any question you want, and "they" ( Read more... )

meme, fanfic, naked, writing, films, uni, sevenyears in tibet

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Comments 3

lady_bracknell October 11 2007, 09:26:45 UTC
The lifts in the library are the wierdest I have ever seen - they're a bit like vertical escalators, in that they never stop and have no doors, you just step in and out as they go past. Wierd.

Would you be impressed if I knew what the word for that was? It's a paternoster :D.

I'd like to ask Starry!Remus when he realised his feelings for Tonks.


katyhasclogs October 11 2007, 11:40:52 UTC
I am impressed! I only know that because it says so on the library map. :)

Haven't plucked up the courage to try them yet though. ;)


katyhasclogs October 11 2007, 16:53:22 UTC
I'd like to ask Starry!Remus when he realised his feelings for Tonks.

That's not an easy question to answer. The best way I can think to explain how it happened, is something Lily used to say to me about her and James:

“I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun."

It's a quote, I think, from something she'd read. She probably told me the name of the book at the time, but it was the phrase itself that stuck in my head.

Not that my relationship with Tonks is much like Lily and James' in any other way; we were good friends almost from our first meeting. (Although I do have my doubts about whether Lily ever really disliked James ( ... )


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