Drabble for fbo66 - Winter Games

Dec 15, 2009 22:43

So, a few weeks ago, Fianna posted this entry and offered to write drabbles for her LJ friends if they gave her a prompt. I gave her "candy cane" and she wrote this for me. I asked for a prompt back and she gave me mistletoe.

Title: Winter Games (prompt: mistletoe)
Words: 479
Rating: PG
Characters: Harry/Ginny, Weasleys
Author's Note: Merry Christmas, Fianna! I hope you enjoy it! I started out so many times and my efforts kept ending up in the recycle bin.

As four snowballs were thrown at her, Ginny ducked behind a snowdrift and wondered again just how this had happened. Snowball fights were a common occurrence at the Burrow in winter, but usually everyone just fended for themselves; somehow this had turned into the boys against the girls. And, as much as she loved Hermione, she had to admit that her friend was fairly useless in a snowball fight.

Then, George decided to add a new twist to the game and announced that all snowballs had to be formed and thrown by hand. No magic could be used.

Ginny quickly made six snowballs, one for each of her brothers plus Harry. Just as she was ready to throw one over the snow bank, she heard the rumble of Charlie's laughter as snow was pushed onto her from above. She saw a quick glimpse of Charlie's smiling face before he ran back across the yard.

Ginny quickly took a chance and sprinted across the yard to hide in a cluster of evergreen trees. She peeked around the side and saw Ron advancing on Hermione. Ginny quickly scooped up and handful of snow and lobbed it at Ron. Just before she heard the satisfying splat of her snowball hitting Ron, she heard another whoosh in the air right beside her ear.

She quickly moved in amongst the relative safety of the trees again. Another look around a tree gave her the information she needed: Harry was standing near the broom shed. Ginny stepped out from the protection of the trees and pulled her wand, sending an avalanche of snow from the roof down the back of Harry's jacket. Harry's laughter stopped as he turned his head form where he was watching Ron pummel Hermione with snowballs.

"You cheated! We agreed no magic." Harry yelled as he raced towards her.

Ginny took off for the house and finally reached the back door. She grasped the knob and the door sprung open, but something stopped her from crossing the threshold. Harry hit the porch just as Ginny tried again to get into the kitchen.

Suddenly George's laughter reached her. "The mistletoe is charmed! You can't step inside until you kiss someone!"

Ginny looked up at the little plant hanging above the door and at her boyfriend quickly advancing on her, with a snowball in each hand. She threw her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her. His lips were cold as they touched her lips, but they warmed as they moved against her mouth. Ginny heard the soft sound of the snow as it fell from Harry's hands, then felt his arms wrap around her.

Behind her, she felt the invisible barrier give way and she was falling backwards, pulling Harry with her.

"Truce?" Harry asked, looking down at her, smiling.

"Definitely," she answered, pulling him down for another kiss.

harry/ginny, drabbles

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