The Anniversary Breakfast [Prompt: Ten]

Nov 15, 2009 21:28

Title: The Anniversary Breakfast
Prompt: Ten
Characters/Pairing: Harry/Ginny, James, Albus, Lily
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG, for a very slight suggestive comment

Disclaimer: It’s not mine. It all belongs to JKR. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Harry carried the breakfast tray into the bedroom he shared with his wife. "Happy Anniver-," Harry stopped in mid-sentence as he realized his wife wasn't still in bed. He set the tray on the dresser before opening the door to the adjoining bathroom, which was also empty. "Ginny?"

He found her in the nursery where she was rocking one-year old Lily. "Happy Anniversary." Harry leaned down to kiss both his wife and daughter. "I fixed you breakfast in bed."

"That sounds wonderful."

Just as they reached the bedroom, a loud crash sounded. James and Albus were standing over the shattered tray, looking guilty.

"This is our tenth anniversary, right?" Ginny asked, stepping into their room.


"And it's the tenth time you've fixed me breakfast in bed?"

"Right again."

"And it's the tenth time we didn't get to eat it."

"Yep." Harry pulled out his wand and quickly cleaned the mess. He said, just loud enough for Ginny's ears, "Although I preferred when we didn't get to eat on our first, third and sixth anniversaries, since those were the years you decided you'd rather have your way with me."

"The kids are staying at the Burrow tonight," she reminded him.

harry/ginny, drabbles

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