The Dork Legacy 9.0

Oct 12, 2009 21:22

Firstly, I'd like to apologise for the shortness of this update. In the game right now, Necro and his ladypal are engaged and expecting. But through some cruel twist of fate, I played all of that with my screenshot program off. As a result, I got incredibly frustrated, and stopped playing for a while. The time in between then was spent saying, "Should I update, or play more and THEN update?" and since I haven't had time to play, I'm finally knuckling down and updating.

So, the update is late, and it's kind of short, but you guys are really proud that I've got 5/7 pages done for my paper on Utopia, right? Of course you are.

It's time for Necro to move back home. Why is he the only one there? It's because I've been massively lazy and haven't bothered to plop into the hood his parents and Q. I will do it, because a life without Henry and Q lusting after each other/Necro/whoever marries in is a life not worth living.

Despite his fairly stylish transition outfit, Necro needs a change. And I may have been slightly interested in taking some zoomed-out photos of a few rooms so I don't have to do a full-on house tour. XD

After his makeover. I know that out there, someone's mom is going to be upset at his change of hairstyle, but I adore the Vulcan brows and wanted something that showed them off a bit more. Besides, this is adulthood! Time to dump the childish Peggy hairstyles of your wild and dangerous youth, and switch to the mature ~artiste ponytail~ that says "I'm still dangerous, but I'm sensitive."

Ah, shit, I'm bondchick_netting, aren't I? *sigh* My need to piggyback on the shoulders of greats gets the better of me.

To make up for the verbosity of my last caption: CUTE.

While waiting for the taxi to arrive, our hero takes his leisure at the pool table in the living room.

Finally, it arrives!

Here, we meet Steffi Selfe-Simme, who against all odds has cast off her comfy, slouchy clothes and cute pigtails that I gave her. Wtf, Steffi.

Necro: Hey, uh, if you don't mind...I'm kind of on the phone with a total hottie here...?
Persimmon: *stare stare*

Kat: Did you say I'm totally snotty?
Necro: No, I said you were a TOTAL HOTTIE.
Kat: Sorry, my phone's breaking up, did you -
Necro: Wait, did you say we're breaking up? We're not even dating!
Kat: What? You want to go on a date with me? I'll be right there!

Obviously this is a match made in heaven.

Necro shows his attraction by dislocating his hips in her direction.

Seriously. I think he likes her.

Creepy living statue in the back notwithstanding, Necro invites Kat to dance.

This excites her greatly.

And, fulfilling a want he's had since teenhood, Necro finally gets his first kiss.

Katu (10:35:00 PM): oh

Katu (10:35:01 PM): huh

Katu (10:35:13 PM): ...he just rolled the want to fall in love with some townie


Kat (10:35:19 PM): bad necro

Katu (10:35:21 PM): but he rolled the want to be friends with you?

Kat (10:35:23 PM): ME


Kat (10:35:38 PM): how could you cheat on me?!

However, his wants are soon rerolled with a little persuasion.
Rika: *sneaks to put soap in fountain*

Living Statue: Okay, I may be creepy? But that's just WRONG.

Necro: I think I'd better take a picture of this momentous occasion.
Persimmon: My darling Amelia, that stolen newspaper you gave me touched my heart...however did you know that my passion for current events matched my passion for you?

Kat: WOOT!


Katu (10:40:47 PM): it's photobooth time

Kat (10:40:51 PM): WOOT)

Amelia: I want to eat you the way I would eat your namesake, with the exception of the chewing and swallowing parts, my delicious fruity darling...
Photobooth: THUMP THUMP

Kat: Oh, are you two still out here? That's cool. Uh, you might not want to go in there for a while. If you know what I mean. It's not, uh, sanitary, if you catch my drift. Wink wink.


Wow, way to put the "b" in subtle there, buddy.

Persimmon: Can you forgive my criminal mastermind job?
Amelia: Oh sweetness, you know my heart yearns to join you in theft and robbery!
Necro: Ugh, get a load of these two. GET A ROOM, GEEZ.


With dream date-ness accomplished, it was time to head home.

Necro, being hungry, heads straight to the...nursery? Um, dude, last time I checked, toy fridges usually just have plastic food in them.

Plastic food notwithstanding, he heads to prepare the the nearest bathroom. If I hadn't gotten to use the word "notwithstanding" twice so far in this update, I'd be upset by these shenanigans.

Luckily, there was only one place to actually COOK the strangely edible plastic pancakes, so Necro was forced to go to the kitchen.

But he supped on the deck.

Which sounds gross.

Mmm, mastication.

Because Necro is NOT AT ALL clingy? He waited a WHOLE 45 MINUTES before calling Kat again. Sadly, she was at work.

To alleviate his loneliness, Necro succumbed to his desire for ~music~.

Necro: America~! AMERICA! America America America Americaaaaa!

After expressing all that messy emotion, Necro found himself in need of a nice, hot shower.

This had the added effect that when Kat arrived, Necro smelled just enough like that Axe body spray stuff that she was immediately compelled to snog him senseless.

After dropping off some flowers (which I totally missed, btw), Kat moves in with a rather sad dowry, effectively throwing a drop of water into the overflowing bucket that is the Dork estate.

Then, it was time for my favourite thing of all: MAKEOVER.


Nett (11:29:12 PM): *dies*

Kat (11:29:15 PM): ROFL

Kat (11:29:18 PM): MAKE ME GOTH

Kat (11:29:20 PM): OR FLASHY

Kat (11:29:22 PM): OR SOMETHING

After a minute or two of laughing hysterically trying to decide...I voted no to the vampire fangs.

And voted YES to scene makeover with BEAR SLIPPIES.

Naturally I was commissioned for many pictures, to which I happily obliged.

I love poseboxes.

Sadly, that is the extent of my pictues. Moments later, Kat shook her head, wondered why on earth she was in the garden beneath the hose, posing like a Japanese schoolgirl, and went on to be proposed to and conceive her first child.

If any of my words are missing letters, you may attribute that to my keyboard's batteries slowly dying, and me being too lazy to replace them while they've still got a little juice in them. WASTE NOT, WANT NOT, OKAY?!

And, finally, Kat is the self-sim of simkittensims, who you may recognize as being SO NERDY that she READS HER BIOLOGY BOOK FOR FUN. YES, we are friends, and I quite expect a few hate secrets regarding circle jerks and all that fun nonsense come Friday (though I do rather hope to avoid it).

Thanks for your patience at my lateness, and thanks even more for reading!

legacy: gen9, legacy: dork

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