By popular request! (Three people is popular, right?)

May 30, 2008 23:43

So...I don't recall how much of uni I posted, and am too lazy to check, so if I haven't gotten to this part yet, I will catch you up on the news:

Verdana ended up meeting and (eventually) wooing a particularly attractive dormie named Komei. After Verdana changed aspirations to Family during her Sophomore year, she no longer cared about college so I dropped them both out and moved them across the street from the legacy house. This is their (fairly boring) story.

After makeovers, these two didn't waste a single second heading off to woohoo.

Komei: I've never done this before...will you be gentle?

Verdana: Nope. Deal's off.
Komei: *That's so hot! Plus!*

I apparently didn't bother capping their woohoo. It did happen, honest! Anyway, what's sex when you can have MARRIAGE?!

Komei: You last name doesn't have to be Owens anymore?! Count me in!

I'm kind of regretting my choice of heir. These two are adorable. <33

Verdana: <3333
Komei: *zombie bites* NOM.

And then, with absolutely NO CHEATING AT ALL, Verdana pops! :D

Yeah. Absolutely NO cheating. >.> I'd never do that.
Komei: *smug* You have fun with that, I'm gonna go watch TV.

Verdana: *sluuuurp!* Oooh fresh baby brains!

Continuing in the vein of not cheating, look! Toddlers! This is Lulu!

This is Rikku!

This is Paine!

And this is Yuna. :D

Yeah. There are four of 'em.

Lulu: *does the dance of no cheating, nosirree!* didn't get any pictures of them as children. Unless you count this:

So we'll get to part that's important, anyway:

This is Yuna. I think she rather looks like Amy Lee.

Here is Rikku!

The beautiful Paine...

And here's Lulu, my personal favourite. I think it's the dreadlocks.

So...yeah. Roman better come through for me, or so help me God I will SWITCH HEIRS.

Oh, and if anyone wants any of Verdana's Beauty Squad, let me know, and I'll put them up for download.

legacy: spare update, legacy: gen3, legacy: dork

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