So. Rereading bits and bobs of ToNC. Getting brainsplodey ideas, and not just concerning Derringer Sky.
Since it's Friday, I'll probably be getting back to you guys on this very soon.
Going to the Lion King with Alien tonight. He didn't want to go, but I've been spending all week wearing him down on this. Also, want to do a crack!filk of Can You Feel
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Comments 4
Have fun seeing The Lion King! seems like everybody's doing that these days.
As great as this Sherlock/Iron Man thing is developing in my head, I think I'll write the other one first, because BRAINSPLOSION. It's, like, meta. Of meta. I don't even know what it is.
Ooooooh, meta o' meta o'... do tell? that's barely even a teaser, I need a full-out trailer. Or a synopsis. :D
A bunch of detectives log into a chatroom. harmless_spinster asks how everyone is doing. frenchfriend boasts about a massive heist he's planning with unsaintly_saint and agoodthief. rhymeswithlupin and gray_may talk about a case they recently worked together on. a_belgian_abroad is planning a trip back home. queen_of_nyc is depressed over his last case. consulting_detective complains about some silly fic where he's an artist and shagging Watson. doubleluckyseven sympathizes, complaining that everyone thinks he's a suave womanizer. amplifiedkittyaptitude posts gibberish, then apologizes for his cat. lordlywhimsical tells consulting_detective not to take it so seriously...
And it goes on from there.
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