[trans] Jin's press conference

Oct 14, 2006 04:20

Here's a translation of the press conference. I hope it is okay that I make another post? Or should I have posted this in one of the discussion threads? I'm not sure, so if I'm making a mistake by posting this extra, please forgive me and take any action you deem necessary! If you think I should use the "remove comment feature" option so that discussion takes place in the designated threads, please tell me.

"I'd like extend my deepest apologies for all the uproar I have caused. I have thought about going on an exchange before, though I can't tell what exactly this exchange will look like. I talked about this with the other members too recently, well, during the time of 24 hours TV. When there was a break and everyone was present, I told them how I wanted to do this." say Akanishi Jin about how he broke his plans to the other members.
Akanishi: "I thought that if I would be able to experience the things that I had just imagined before, the people from the agency would agree and let me go."
Reporter: "For now, you say you want to go on an exchange and study, what will be next?"
Akanishi: "I'm thinking that I want to experience the things I haven't seen or heard of before for a while and grow through this experience..."
Reporter: "How about any feelings you have of wanting to quit or retire?"
Akanishi: "No! I really don't think anything like that."
Reporter: "Which means that you will be back for sure."
Akanishi: "Well, that depends on the circumstances which I don't know yet, right, when what happens."
Reporter: "The things you want to do, are they something completely unrelated to show business?"
Akanishi: "For now I will study language... I'm not thinking about anything else but language studies."
(Nakamaru and Taguchi enter)
Nakamaru: "Yes, I'm really surprised."
Junno: "It was Akanishi-kun's own decision to do the exchange, so I really think for us, we'll just support him."
Nakamaru: "Since he doesn't quit."
Reporter: "So his language studies are a solo activity?"
Akanishi: "It feels like this, yeah."
Nakamaru: "行くなら行ったできちっとね。[AN: I'm not sure how to translate that sentence, so before I make a grave mistake - if someone can help out, onegai!] Instead of the other members commenting, I'm going to read their comments.
Comment from Kamenashi: "Like I said on the phone yesterday, since you are going, study properly and come back. I'll also be learning while doing dorama and other things, so promise me we'll meet again as two people who have grown."
Akanishi: "He's saying great things, isn't he.
Nakamaru: "Yes, he's cool, isn't he." *laughs*
Reporter: "You talked on the phone yesterday?"
Akanishi: "Ah, yes, we did. Yes... we talked about a lot of things. I said "Ittekuruyo" [AN: Something said when you leave the house, meaning you'll be back later.]
Nakamaru: "Kind of with a rough feeling, ne."
Akanishi: "Yeah, a rough feeling... well, it's really not so deep, after all, this is not a goodbye for life."
Comment from Tanaka: "Anyway, be reckless and do your best. We'll also work hard and won't lose to you, so I'm looking forward to wait a round or two for you returning all grown-up."
Akanishi: "Maybe at that time there'll be more hair on his head."
Reporter: "Akanishi-kun has said he's not going to do any showbiz activities, and when asked "What are you going to do?", you said something like "Maybe I'll become a politician?"
Akanishi: "I'll become president and come back."
Reporter: "If the A (Akanishi) is gone, will it be KT-TUN?"
Junno: "We don't know yet how to pronounce it."
Nakamaru: "But KAT-TUN is KAT-TUN, so nothing changes."
Message to the fans (from Jin): "Yes, well, I will do my best to earn everyone's support, and please support the other five members as well."

Cut from the part that was aired on TV were the following questions:

Reporter: "When did you decide you wanted to go on an exchange?"
Akanishi: "I've thought about this since I was 17 or 18."
Reporter: "What will you be doing?"
Akanishi: "I'm interested in linguistics, not only in English, but also in the language of various other countries. I can't say yet."
Reporter: "There's no connection to some trouble with a relationship?"
Akanishi: "No, nothing like that."

news & info: jin's hiatus, translations

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