Help Haiti (Some More)

Jan 15, 2010 20:29

Hey, guys. This isn't strictly KAT-TUN-related, but it's really important, so please read.

help_haiti is a comm that was created to help raise money for the disaster that happened in Haiti. I'm sure all of you have heard about the earthquake and the wake of destruction that has been left behind.

I just wanted to give everyone a heads up, especially if you've been trying to figure out how to help. Basically, people are offering everything from graphics to podfics to crafts to souvenirs, which are being auctioned off. All proceeds will go to a charity of the winning bidder's choice. Here's a list of JE-related offers that I currently know of:

Beta reading services:
- gothicauthor (appleclementine)

Graphics, Visuals, and Posters:
- bitter_sweet05 (marsxcollapse) - 10 icons; 2 LJ headers
- blue_fire0013 (bluefire0013@photobucket) - KAT-TUN magazine clippings
- pink_tofu (pink_tofu) - JE doujinshi scanlations

Fic of at least 500 words:
- cynicalism (happy_irony)
- gothicauthor (appleclementine)
- koneho (konjanieito; konliza)

Fic of at least 1,000 words:
- acchikocchi (acchikocchi)
- araanaz9 (starsforget; threadverse)
- darkgloom (darkgloom; lark@ficwars)
- elanielyn (onionlullabys)
- girlearthless (chromatico)
- hilaryscribbles (takethatsuckah)
- ky_rin (chromatico)
- lilmatchgirl007 (matchyfic)
- novemberbaby86 (chasingpolaris)
- peroxidepest17 (peroxide_fic)
- spurious (hondemo)
- sun_ming (thetearsofpearl)
- trivialaffair (trivialwriting)
- xplodey_di (orchard_blossom; penclicking)

Fic of at least 1,500 words:
- augustfai (singability;
- littlealex (sleeptotwelve)
- lonelybusiness (ginpomelo)
- pastdazed (pastdazed)

Fic of at least 2,000 words:
- blahchiharu (pisudori_play)
- lonelyxlovers (violetswing)
- paddyabroad (paddyabroad)
- yamapea (yamapod)

Fic of at least 2,500 words:
- miyamiaki (miyamiaki)
- pithetaphish (adistantsun)

Fic of at least 3,000 words:
- nicefinalbeam (throttleholdme)
- sollasollew11 (sollasollew11)
- soundczech (soundczech)

Fic over 5,000 words:
- dpque (boyfolk; hospitalise; filterpaper) - collaboration fic of at least 5,000-7,500
- honooko (abscondpress) - at least 5,000
- miscetera + toinkydoink (miscetera; toinkydoink) - collaboration fic of at least 8,000
- primroseshows (primrosegallery; primroseshows) - at least 5,000
- razberrycreme (razberrycreme; raz@ficwars) - at least 6,500
- waxrose (waxrose) - at least 5,000

Fic (other):
- itsumono_you_ni (itsumono_you_ni) - up to 1,000 words but can be more
- quinnsan (bummieface) - up to 3,000 words
- wrangler (superlover) - up to 5,000 words

- luv_akame - KAT-TUN giveaway

Don't see what you like? There's a Requests post where you can offer a donation and give a prompt! It's like a fic meme but for charity! And with more than just fic.

Like other fandoms? Check out the extensive general masterlists! Every offer is being catalogued. Scroll and browse! Masterlists have also been linked for a few other specific fandoms, including K-Pop and bandom.

*UPDATE* arashi_on is holding their own auction! Everything is Arashi-related, but people are listing other fandoms, too, so definitely check that out as well. I haven't seen a masterlist yet, but if they put one up, I'll be sure to link it here!

As you can see, people are offering many different talents. Every little bit counts, so please participate if you can! If you do, leave a comment with a link, and I'll add it here. :)


ETA: Please feel free to pimp this out like a classless ho! The more people who know, the better. :D

I've posted here, at news_jpop, and at jent_fanfics. If someone could maybe let the other comms know and link them back here, that'd be great. :)

ETA 2: aslknlskng This is getting pretty big, which is awesome!! That said, the coding is getting pretty crazy, too, so if I screw up your link, please let me know! Also, if you see a thread related to JE in any way, please drop me a line as well so that I can add it to the list. Thanks!! ♥

ETA 3: help_haiti has been recognized by LJ news and The Associated Content. @.@ WE BE MAKING IT WORLDWIDE, BBS!!

ETA 4: BIDDING IS OVER. Yaaaaay, thank you, everyone!! To the offerers and bidders, as well. ♥ ♥ ♥ You're all amazing~

ETA 5: I just did some calculations, and preliminarily speaking, our collective contribution is about $1035.26. I'm not sure I did all the calculations right-some of the auctions were for multiple things-but again, AMAZING. Thank you all again!

* ad: sites/communites

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