Haha, third post this week. Tired of me yet? Anyhoo, I'm here again but this time I'm with mah girl
ilaila645 to bring you the stunning conclusion of our crack fansub series! It's been a lot of fun and we're happy you like what we've done. Thanx for all the comments! So, without further ado...
Rilla Productions Presents:
KAT-TUN on Hey x3 - Part 5: The Wrench That Stole Kame's Leg
OMGWHUT? Haha, watch to find out what it's all about.
A wee teaser:
Da Linkage
MU |
YSI I have put DL links to past eppies in
my journal so feel free to stop by if you missed any of them.
Thanx again everyone. Hope you like the last part! This may be the end of the KAT-TUN series but not the end of us. Riila Productions will be back. ^___^
And so I don't spam the comm, I've made more signs of wisdom. Prease to
checking out!