Akanishi Jin's solo live decided! 赤西仁ソロライブ決定!
Dates: 2/7 - 2/28
日生劇場 Theme: 「友&仁 You&Jin」
Duration: 22 days, 32 shows, 2 1/2 hours each (1300 people per show) - 予定
Ticket price: 11000YEN/ticket
Tickets information:
Ticket sales begin on 2010/1/16, 1000hrs by phone (ONLY) on ぴあ(PIA)、イープラス(e+)、CNプレイガイド(CN Play Guide)、ローソンチケット(Lawson Ticket).
for each call, each person is allowed to purchase up to two tickets for one show, except for the first show on 2/7 18:00 and last show on 2/28 13:00, which each person is only allowed to purchase one ticket for.
HOWEVER, family club members can apply for the tickets early, from 11/27-11/30.
for more ticket purchasing information and show schedule check out
good news: tickets are open for public sales VS bad news: how hard will it be to call in for the tickets? =x
++show schedule added under the cut!
show schedule:
2/07 18:00
2/08 18:00
2/09 13:00, 18:00
2/10 18:00
2/11 13:00, 18:00
2/12 13:00
2/13 13:00, 18:00
2/14 13:00, 18:00
2/15 18:00
2/16 13:00, 18:00
2/17 -
2/18 13:00, 18:00
2/19 13:00
2/20 13:00, 18:00
2/21 13:00, 18:00
2/22 18:00
2/23 13:00, 18:00
2/24 18:00
2/25 13:00, 18:00
2/26 13:00
2/27 13:00, 18:00
2/28 13:00
above as from
article from sanspo:
http://www.sanspo.com/geino/news/091119/gng0911190506000-n2.htm 商業劇場ではおなじみの歌謡ショーやミュージカルではない。純粋にライブで直球勝負だ。
そして今春のKAT-TUNの東京ドーム公演で、赤西がソロパートで親交のある歌手のCrystal Kay(23)と合作した曲「WONDER」で披露した迫力ある歌唱とダンスを見て、「赤西ならスターライブができる」と感じ企画したという。
won't translate anything from the article as my japanese is really limited, but you can drop by the link below for a little bit of (unconfirmed?) translations ^^
for official newspaper articles and TV features check out
here. (to be updated!)
+++updated at 7:30am JPT: Mezamashi TV feature video added!