Due to the amount of fics being posted everyday, we've came up with a change to the rules regarding Fanfics.
Please read this carefully, and feel free to ask questions if something is not clear.
First off:
NO Fic banners.
Most of you don't use them anymore anyway, but now it's actually against the rules:X
The following rules do not apply to one shots. You can post them as you usually do. If it gets out of hand though, we may change this later.
Chaptered Fics
From now on, you need to make ONE post to the community for your fic. It will be your "Master List" for that one story. Whenever you update that fic, EDIT the Master List for THAT story and add the link to the next chapter.
Most of you already post your fics to your personal journal instead of directly to the comm anyway, so it won't be a problem for you.
If you do usually post to the comm, then we suggest you start posting to your own journal and posting the links here. It's better to do it that way anyway, just in case anything happens to the comm.
Keep in mind, even though you can't post the chapters here, you can still post them on
kattun_fanfics and/or
jent_fanfics, and then post the links on your master list here.
You will still tag your master lists as 'fanworks: fanfiction', and you can post as many chaptered fics as you like...you just need to make the master list for each story.
We've added a tag for this...from now on, tag your master lists as "fanfiction: chaptered".
If your readers like the story, they can favorite that post, add it to their memories, or add you to their f-list.
Here's an Example for what your master list should look like:
Title: My Story
Rating: PG
Summary: Give a lil summary of your story
Chapter 1 (link to chapter 1)
Chapter 2 (link to chapter 2)
Chapter 3 (link to chapter 3)
UPDATE: Chapter 4 (link to chapter 4)
You need one PER chaptered fic. So if you're writing 3 multi-chaptered fics at the same time (personally, I'm impressed, but that's besides the point), you will need 3 separate master posts.
The Master Post/List is the ONLY post you update!
Fanfic Ads
Every week, one of the mods will make a post for authors. It's basically the same as the weekly Requests post, but for updated fics instead.
When you update your fic, simply leave us a comment using this format:
Rating: (optional)
Pairing: (optional)
Summary: (optional)
Link to master list
We will add it to the list and post it at the end of the week.
So recap:
Fic Banners - Banned.
One shots - nothing has changed
Chaptered fics:
make a 'master list'
only update that list on this comm.
if you want your fic update advertised - let us know
This post isn't as clean as I'd like it to be, so please feel free to ask any questions you have. I'll try to clean it up as we go.
Any post made after this announcement should be your Master List, and it MUST be labeled "Master list" somewhere OUTSIDE OF THE CUT so that we know not to delete the post. Any posts NOT labeled 'Master List' will be deleted.
Some of you have posted a master list, where you already have links to more than one chapter.
This is fine.
This is wonderful, even...BUT: make sure to include a note in your master post letting the mods know that it's your first post for the story. Otherwise, we'll simply see it as a fic UPDATE and delete it.
Yes, ANOTHER edit:
Rule #14 DOES apply to fanfiction links.
For those of you too lazy to go to the comm profile, here's copy and paste:
14. Regarding friends locked posts: You can make a "friends locked" post to the community, but if you are posting a link to an entry in your personal journal or to another LJ community, that entry needs to be public. This includes fanfiction links as well. This is a fan community, not a popularity contest. Making people friend you or to join your community just so they can download something from you is rude. Don't do it. However, we will allow it if the linked post remains public for at least three days.
~Angel *waits for the flames*