it seems that kame will take on a drama role that's airing in the winter season? I have no clue but someone took a picture of this newspaper scan just an hours ago?! o.0 serious!? I hope this is true and not just some stupid rumor ^^ <--newspaper scan
this drama is from a manga by 高桥留美子 <--artist of Inuyasha...and the story is basically about boxing again...NO MORE BOXING PLEASE!! say no kame! say no to this stupid drama! is gonna be a mess! T__T
The name of the manga is call 1 pondo no fukuin (1ポンドの福音")
anyone can find the offical site for this? I just hope this is not rumor cause its on the newspaper -.-'''
but I kinda don't want him to be in a drama...he just finished dream boy...and now another drama? I don't want him to be like 40kg don't you think its too much? (as a fan I know its never too much...) but we just have Jin and Junno's drama in this season...BUT! nevertheless...i guess we should wait for like a few more days to see if more news about this is popin' up
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