To Love You More

Jun 25, 2007 00:50

Title: To Love You More
Chapter: 1 of ?
Author: lonely_heartz
Fandom: Johnny’s Entertainment (KAT-TUN/NewS)
Pairing: JinDa, RyoDa, KamePi.
Genre: Romance.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don’t own them. 
Summary: Yamapi & Kame are having problems. Ryo tries to help Yamapi the best that he can but in the process, Ryo sort of neglects Ueda because in his belief, Yamapi needs him more than Ueda does now and instead, Ueda finds comfort in Jin. Jin being who he is, takes advantage of every single opportunity that he gets. 
Note: I haven’t uploaded Porcelain Butterfly Chapter 2 yet but I hope that I’ll have time soon.

Yamashita Tomohisa and Kamenashi Kazuya have been having major problems with their relationship lately that always left Yamapi I-don’t-know-who-I-am kind of drunk at night. Yamapi’s best friend, Nishikido Ryo is left with no choice but to help his friend in dire need of moral support. However, this left Ryo’s boyfriend, Ueda Tatsuya, alone at night.

“Ryo, don’t leave.” Ueda said but not because of selfish reasons but because of something else entirely that Ryo would find out about way later rather than any time soon.

“Tatsuya, you know that I can’t just abandon Yamapi especially at a time like this. He needs me.” Ryo said earnestly.

“Please.” Ueda pleaded again and added an inaudible, “But I do too.” He whispered in a voice so low that Ryo failed to catch it.

“Yamapi. He needs me. I’ll be back in the morning Uebo-hime. So, don’t wait up, alright? You have photo shoots with Jin tomorrow so sleep early.” Ryo ignored Ueda’s plea and rushed out of their shared apartment to keep Yamapi from any sort of trouble.

If only Ryo looked back, even with just a side glance, he would have noticed how Ueda curled himself up in a ball that resembled that of a fetus as his entire body involuntarily shook.

On the other side of town, Jin just finished his commercial shoot. He headed to his car but not before he noticed that the sky became extremely dark compared to 2 hours ago. He looked up in time to witness the first thunder that struck the earth and immediately thought of the only one person that worries him every time it does, Ueda Tatsuya.

Jin instantly got his cell phone out and dialled his best friend’s mobile.


“…” Ueda picks up but doesn’t answer.

Jin kept on calling out Ueda’s name, but as usual, Ueda would never outwardly voice anything out. However, Jin was used to this. So, he does the only thing that he always did whenever Ueda does this to him.

Jin keeps Ueda on the line so that he would know Ueda’s current state. Jin can tell Ueda’s movements merely from his breathing patterns. After only a couple of minutes, Jin arrived at Ueda's apartment. Of course, it wasn’t a surprise to Ueda when Jin started to furiously bang his door with his fistful worth of knocks that could easily break the door down but Ueda’s not really in a state where his brain’s functioning properly and yell at Jin for causing most of the visible damage on the door that can only be inflicted by someone like Jin. But then again, Jin‘s brain hasn’t always been screwed properly either.

Ueda fully opens the door to welcome his best friend in. As Ueda undid the lock, Jin burst the door open and rushed to give Ueda a very tight hug, as he knew fully well Ueda‘s fears and weaknesses.

Trapped in Jin’s tight embrace, Ueda couldn’t help but start to sob into Jin's arms as more tears welled up in his eyes that threatened to fall.

“Jin~~.” Ueda hiccupped; he tightened his hug around Jin’s waist as he jumped up from another loud clap of thunder.

Jin started to caress Ueda’s hair and then proceeded to gently caress his face.

“Sshh, Tat-chan. It’s okay. I’m here now. You’re not alone. I’m here.”

Jin looked Ueda in the eye and smiled, “I’m here with you now.”

Jin soothed Ueda and re-assured Ueda countless times that he was there with him, holding him all the while, until Ueda fell asleep.

But even when Ueda was already peacefully asleep, Jin just couldn’t let him go so easily and instead brought himself closer to Ueda’s body to share his warmth compared to Ueda’s sleeping and cold one.

Slowly, he leaned down and murmured against Ueda’s lips gently, “I’ve always been here and I always will be. You just always fail to notice; always looking far away for somebody to love you when there’s one here that’s already beside you the whole time…..and I’m not going anywhere.”

Jin kissed Ueda’s lips tenderly; he craved for feelings he longed to be returned as he savoured Ueda more as he dug his lips deeper in. After a couple of minutes of devouring Ueda, Jin noticed that Ueda’s breathing started to become ragged, so, he withdrew his own mouth, placed a chaste kiss in Ueda’s porcelain and blemish-free cheeks and left the apartment Ueda shared with Ryo.

For several weeks, whenever thunder was present during Japan’s rainy season; it went like this. Ryo would be on Yamapi’s side to comfort him and Jin would be there beside Ueda to offer him security until he falls asleep. Ryo would always come back in the morning after waiting out the storm in Yamapi’s place to find Ueda peacefully asleep whenever he came back to their apartment, whereas Jin had just left without any sleep at all since he keeps himself awake by the knowledge that his time with Ueda is always limited. Hence, he makes the most of it whenever he can such as to stare or to caress Ueda’s face when asleep and curled beside Jin in the bed. Besides, when opportunities come, it is in a man’s nature to take advantage of the opportunity given to him after all. So, nobody can really blame Jin or so Jin believes.

It’s funny how both Ryo and Jin never actually run into each other in the morning. Sooner than later, they most likely will. But as always Ryo came back like he had promised the night before just like he always does.


Yamapi is still having problems with Kame and he needs Ryo to be his emotional support.

Ueda needs someone he can rely on to look after him whenever there was thunder because thunder brought back horrible memories from when he witnessed someone die. The thunder brings memories to flood back to him as if it’s happening right then and there, that he constantly needs someone to watch over him and see to it that he doesn’t break. Jin knew of this. Ueda confessed this to him a long time ago when they were still in Juniors and Jin would always find it odd that Ueda became different whenever it was rainy season. So, he forced the truth out of Ueda.

Now, Ryo doesn’t know anything about it. Ryo doesn’t know anything at all because Ueda doesn’t like talking about such morbid things but most importantly, he’s not the type to say anything and complain. So, he would never let Ryo know what he was feeling besides an occassional, "I love you." Ueda always acts as if nothing’s bothering him because that’s just how Ueda Tatsuya is.

The thing that Ueda Tatsuya hates the most is having to plead with others especially when he needs them because he didn't like to need others and he didn't like to beg others for something that they weren't willing to give in the first place. The fact that he pleaded with Ryo to not leave him and yet, Ryo still did without any further ado and concern for his feelings whatsoever and instead, only constantly worried about Yamapi. It hurt him tremendously.

Tomorrow, he would show Ryo how he can stand on his own two feet just fine. He would show Ryo that he can still have fun even if it wasn't with Ryo since he barely has the time to do so. Ueda would find someone that does. Ueda's determined to show Ryo that he didn't need him to have fun too. Ueda's eyes brimmed with hot, fresh tears.

He would show Ryo, surely.

fanfiction: masterlists

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