Needing Some SPN Family Help

Jun 13, 2019 18:50

I co-host the Fall Fest Bingo at Allbingo every year. This year I would like to do something special since our bingo coincides with the SPN season premier and it will be the last season (T.T). I am adding two new prompt lists ( Read more... )

fall fest bingo, spn

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Comments 11

kiramaru7 June 14 2019, 13:44:17 UTC
Cool lists, Kat!

Although, I think this line is from Animal House: "fat dumb and stupid ain't no way to go through life." Although, this could be a variation on it. XD


kattrip033 June 14 2019, 17:51:56 UTC
Thank you, Kira

It is a variation on the line from Animal House. Bobby says it to Sloth in season two when they are fighting the seven deadly sins in the episode Ruby appears for the first time, I think. I didn't look it up to double check which episode for sure.

The line from Animal House is "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, Son." (The number of times I've seen the movie is in the the triple digits and I went to the college it was filmed at and had to quote it on way too many campus tours for my liking XD)


kiramaru7 June 16 2019, 15:34:07 UTC
You're welcoem, Kat!

Oh, okay. It's a funny line, so I can see it getting quoted/misquoted as an "Easter egg." I had no idea/forgot Bobby said it. XD

Thanks!:D I like that movie too!I remember you saying something about that! It's pretty cool, but a royal pain in the arse none-the-less. XD


kattrip033 June 18 2019, 23:29:36 UTC

No worries, Kira. It's a pretty well known line, which is probably why they had Bobby paraphrase it. xD

You're welcome! Yeah XD


jj1564 June 14 2019, 14:15:03 UTC
Wow, I think you've covered all the monsters! I have a few quotes for you...

It doesn’t matter what you are, it only matters what you do. It’s your choice. (Sam)

I think you pissed off my sandwich. (Dean)

If you fudging touch me again, I’ll fudging kill you! (Dean)

Dude, you fugly. (Dean)

I'm spectaculacular. (Sam)


kattrip033 June 14 2019, 17:54:59 UTC
Vexed_Wench and the Supernatural Wiki get most of the credit for the monster list.

Thank you!! Those are going right on there.


malefantasy June 15 2019, 17:32:34 UTC
Jefferson Starships :) lol


kattrip033 June 18 2019, 23:27:45 UTC
Couldn't leave them out ;)


malefantasy June 19 2019, 20:22:48 UTC
of course not! That would be blasphemy!


kattrip033 June 23 2019, 01:19:45 UTC


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