New SGA Fic: It's The Little Things - Part 5 of 6

Mar 10, 2009 16:52

I'm posting a little early tonight, as we are supposed to be getting some severe weather soon.

Title: It's The Little Things
Rating: PG (mostly for violence and possibly a wee bit of 'colorful' language on Ronon's part *grins*)
Pairing/Characters: Gen fic with team and no pairings
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em & not making any money off this--if I ( Read more... )

sga fic

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Comments 9

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katstale March 11 2009, 04:52:24 UTC
Thanks so much! It is so gratifying to know that you're enjoying reading and that everything seems to be coming across as I intended. :D


titan5 March 11 2009, 00:24:08 UTC
Loved Ronon realizing it was John controlling the lights and John's very serious discussion with Ronon over the blaster. I also loved John's determination and stubbornness. But what I really loved was Radek's very astute assessment of the situation and how they had treated the team. Go Radek! As to that horrid cliffhanger - is it tomorrow yet?


katstale March 11 2009, 04:57:25 UTC
Thank you! It was kind of fun to sit back and watch them being them even though most of the time they didn't know *why* they knew what they knew. :)

The Radek and Woolsey scene was a bit of a late addition, but I can't imagine the story without it now that it's finished. I'm very pleased to hear it worked for you. :)

Um...not quite tomorrow yet, no. Soon though. Very soon!


linziday March 11 2009, 01:40:17 UTC
More! *looks around frantically for part 6* Ack!


I loved Radek's words to Woolsey-- There is only one of us who was able to look beyond their appearances and see the adults that they have always been. You yourself said that they had all of the instincts and abilities of their adult selves, and yet, not once did any one of us attempt to actively involve them in the process of finding the solution. Instead, we treated them as they appeared--as children who were not to be trusted with important task."

And this part made me want to cry: Carson reached out and took the boy's hand, a stunned look on his face. Tears formed in the doctor's eyes, but didn't fall. "It's been my pleasure, lad. My very, very great pleasure." Carson's voice was thick with emotion as he reached up and gently patted John on the shoulder. "Well, I suppose it's time then," said Beckett, ending the moment before it turned awkward. He stood and unlocked the wheels to John's chair, pushing him down the ramp.



katstale March 11 2009, 05:00:41 UTC
I'll try to get part 6 up a little early tomorrow, as well. :)

I have to confess, I teared up pretty much while writing that particular exchange between John & Carson also. I don't do that often, but boy did I ever do it there!

I'm so happy to know that you're enjoying this so much! :D


padawan_aneiki March 11 2009, 02:10:10 UTC
OH MAN! I have to wait til TOMORROW????? Again...fabulous job of keeping them in character despite being pint-sized. and I LOVED Ronon gettin' an arm around John and helping him walk to the console. and the part Linzi mentions with Carson...*SNIFF!*


katstale March 11 2009, 05:02:29 UTC
But it's just a few more hours...*uses whiny-kid voice*

Thank you SO much! I am so thrilled y'all are enjoying reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. :D


reen212000 March 11 2009, 17:56:05 UTC
As you may know, I'm not a fan of the kid!fic. But OMG! This is outstanding! Part 6 now! Please?


katstale March 11 2009, 21:28:02 UTC
*blushes* Wow, thank you so much! This means a lot to me, as I had hoped that this would appeal even to those who are not normally fans of the genre. Your comments have let me know I have succeeded, at least in some small measure, and I can't thank you enough for that. :D

Part 6 is now up, and so I am off in search of that margarita to celebrate the occasion! (Or at least I will be as soon as I'm done at the chiro's office, lol. :D) Enjoy!!


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