Poker face card #3: Diary/journal

Aug 08, 2013 22:27

So I'm a bit behind on these, but here comes another one. Again for Villains or Heroes?, and again a bit into the future. This may be considered slightly spoilery, though I don't think there's too much that you can tell from it. Canonish, things are not set in stone but I think we're on fairly solid ground in this one. And I'm not completely happy with it, but oh well.


[Diary in a diary]
Prompt: Diary/journal
Title: Diary in a diary
Words: 397
Universe: Villains or Heroes Strangetown, canonish
Warnings: mildly spoilerish for chapter 1, or perhaps rather just cryptic

The dream continued again today, as I knew it would. I have some time before the lights are out, so I will attempt to describe the odd turns of events that took place in it.

As I wrote yesterday, I was not quite sure what it was that was happening in the city council of Strangetown. I was positive that I had heard the voice of Rodney Jalowitz on the radio. If that was the case, he was likely a high official in the city council. Possibly even the Mayor. And if Jalowitz was involved with the city council, I knew three others who would be involved with the city council. All this had something to do with their former plans. The plans that had very likely been foiled by the disaster. But what exactly did they want? That I did not know.

For the time being, I had very little chance of discovering the truth. It would be unwise to attempt to wander very far from my shelter, due to all kinds of suspicious characters wandering the streets these days. I had no internet access, and the phone lines only functioned sporadically. In addition, I had realized that I was indeed aging. I had been able to change some things through my position at work, but it would take a group effort and several lifetimes to change all the things that needed changing. I had to accept the fact that quite possibly both myself and Bim would be long dead by the time we would be able to uncover the truth.

All of this in mind, I sat at my chessboard at night. I played through the moves, but my mind was elsewhere. There simply had to be something I would be able to do, even with my limited knowledge and vague suspicions. Had to, but my mind was completely empty. I played more and more moves, almost completely disconnected from the outside world. And then it struck me.

I put away the chess pieces and stood up. This plan would work. I would need to discuss it with Bim, but I was sure that she would approve. I climbed the stairs into the apartment, and sat at the typewriter. I would have plenty of time to complete it, but it was still best to start. I thought for a moment and begun typing.

Dear diary...

As for the chapter, that's coming along. I've got the gameplay material just about settled, and am writing the plotty bits and trying to figure out what pictures I need for it. I'm slightly stuck about motivations and stuff right now, but hopefully it'll sort itself out.

poker face, apocalypse, villains

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