Three wings...? Impossible. Was it from when you feigned to be the Messiah, or from when I left my...touch on you? Heh.
Flying should obviously not come supremely natural, since your body was not born with wings - nor will you retain them, if I've a say in things - but you might find them...convenient. Try proceeding as young angelic creations do and limit your arm movement so that you may maintain a semblance of balance.
[ ooc : awwww! Thing is, I don't think anything can shock Rosiel into quite that sort of a stupor. He'd survive out of sheer spite to go all WTFIAMTOOPRETTEHTODIE at his contender.]
i dont know what a third of that sentence means, but you stay the fuck away from me you creep. dude i pretyt much just said you were ugly, shouldnt ya like, hate me?
Given the number of aspiring lovers Kira-sempai dearest gathered in his Lucifael form by telling the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth... I would think you should perhaps reconsider your procedure, hmmm. Kato-chaaaan?
Oh, but surely I'm not making you...uncomfortable?
Flying should obviously not come supremely natural, since your body was not born with wings - nor will you retain them, if I've a say in things - but you might find them...convenient. Try proceeding as young angelic creations do and limit your arm movement so that you may maintain a semblance of balance.
Observe mine one: notice the shine, the elegance, the devotion to their maintenance?! It's standard procedure.
Now you'll simply have to procure toffees for me, if only to alleviate my despair at your heinous negligence.
You might just as well rip them off, you ignorant.
>/ i dont wanna rip them off. ive suddenly grown very attached to them in the past ... three seconds.
((XDD Dammit, I had fifty bucks riding on Katou giving Rociel a heart attack.))
[ ooc : awwww! Thing is, I don't think anything can shock Rosiel into quite that sort of a stupor. He'd survive out of sheer spite to go all WTFIAMTOOPRETTEHTODIE at his contender.]
[ ooc : Lucifer told him that too, you'll recall - and, er, Rosiel showed his "affections". Bewaaaaaaaaareeeeeeeeeee...and stuff. ^_^]
Surely you don't believe me incapable of love, do you now?
[ ooc : but I wager Rosiel gave Katou a heart attack with that.]
((XDDD Justabit.))
Such a perfect raison d'etre for a stimulus to prove you otherwise, then.
[ ooc : steeee-riiiiiiiii-ke! ]
Oh, but surely I'm not making you...uncomfortable?
((Just terrified. XDDD;))
Now what would be my prize, hmmmm, Kato-chaaaaaaaan? ♥
nothing! i didnt know we were competeing!
[OOC: Screened. >D]
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