Title: An Act of Rebellion: Eight Nights of Hope
katmarajadeWritten for:
tree00faeryCharacters: Anthony Goldstein and a cast of fellow Ravenclaws
Rating: PG
Word Count: 909
Prompt: someone trying to sneak Hanukkah candles past the Carrows during DH.
Summary: During the Carrows' reign of terror, Anthony decides to bring his House together in a surprising way
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Comments 16
Also, a random happy bounce for inclusion of Lisa Turpin - she's one of my rpg babies and it's so rare to see her in a fic that it I always squee a bit when she's included. :)
so beautiful!
Thank you so much.
I love the idea of Anthony getting all brave and pontificate-ey. :P
And rebellion is totally in the hannukah spirit! Ohmigosh lol there should be a sequel wherein they're studying defense or something else forbidden and start playing dreidle to cover it up. And Anthony would be LOLing forever. In his head. Because no one would get it.
(The story goes, the syrians or greeks or whoever forbade Jews to study Torah, so when the soldiers came in they would pretend to be playing dreidle, a gambling game.)
ANYWAYS. This was cute and hopeful and yay! I need to read more Hogwarts-during-the-Carrows fic. :D
I'm so glad you liked it! YAY Hanukkah fic! (seriously, how much HP Hanukkah fanfic exists? Cuz I'm thinking not much.)
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