Holiday Drabbly Bits: Merry Christmas to AIGOOISM!

Dec 07, 2011 09:09

Title: The Beginning of an Explosively Brilliant Partnership
Author: katmarajade
Written for: aigooism
Pairing: George/Neville
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 712
Prompt: penis-shaped zeppelin (it's mentioned, bb … sort of)
Summary: George decides to share some of his advertising genius to help Neville.

"Advertising, advertising, advertising! It's key," declared George loudly, causing Neville to jump and almost behead one of his flowers.

"Oy, what on earth on you doing?" Neville asked, attempting to wipe sweat off his forehead and leaving a smear of dirt.

"Helping you, obviously. Ginny told me that you're struggling a bit getting this shop up and running. I happen to be an expert at shop-keeping. I may write a book someday. Probably not though, as I don't have much patience for the writing thing."

"Yes, your school essays were the stuff of Gryffindor legend,"

"They don't specify how small the letters need to be. There was a foot and a half of essay there-it just so happened that we were good enough to sum up the whole lot of information in a mere fourteen carefully-chosen words."

"As I hear it, Snape didn't agree."

"Well, I tend to believe that his constant yelling and berating were simply masks to hide his favoritism, because Fred and I were clearly the most talented Potions students that git had ever encountered!"

"Right," laughed Neville, rubbing fruitlessly at the dirt on his face, making even more of a mess.

"No, really! Sure, we never completed the potions that he assigned us. We learned how to make them better and more marketable! Considering how many of our ideas for Wheezes were perfected in that lab, some using Snape's private stores, I really should consider thanking the poor, dearly-departed bastard."

"I don't know if Weasley Wizarding Wheezes adverts are really going to fit with my clientele. I'm picturing a giant, inflatable venomous tentacula bobbing down Diagon Alley or a really inappropriately phallic-shaped zeppelin doing laps around Hogsmeade. That's not really the image I was hoping for, George." Neville's expression was pleasant and apologetic, but with a slight smirk underneath. George found himself newly motivated to come up with something good.

"That's not all I do! Besides, I've outgrown the inflatable adverts thing. It's very last season."

Neville couldn't help but grin at George's enthusiasm. "All right, I would appreciate the help. But let's attempt to keep it classy. No last-season inflatables," he smirked at George when he said that one. "No zeppelins or sky writers or fireworks or singing fake plants."

"Wow, you're full of good ideas! Have you ever thought about a side gig?" George inquired earnestly.

"I'm busy enough, as is! This shop takes up all my time and I'm still barely breaking even," Neville sighed.

"Ah, start up fun. I remember it all too well. No worries, we'll get you on the map and business booming in no time. I've got a plan, an amazing, spectacular, in-all-ways stellar plan! You don't even need to worry about it."

George began to back away, eyes alight with the scheming fire that always indicated mayhem heading straight this way, and Neville paused.

"I don't know if this is such a good idea, George," he started, not wanting to offend his good friend's brother, who also happened to be one of the most influential shop owners on the street.

"Nonsense! Stop over later and we'll talk shop and talk … well, non-shop stuff too. I don't get a lot of non-ginger visitors and it would be nice to have a few beers and just hang out with someone other than my well-meaning-but-ridiculously-intrusive family for once. What say you?"

George's expression was so hopeful and excited that Neville couldn't bring himself to say no. "All right then. I'll see you tonight when I finish up here. I've been a little too wrapped up with work lately to spend any time with anyone other than my plants, so it would probably be a good idea anyway."

A sly smile played across George's lips as he retreated towards the door. "You won't be sorry, Neville! This is going to be the most explosively brilliant partnership of all time." He paused, looking thoughtful. "Well, maybe not of all time, but it's going to be amazing. Don't be late! There's so much to do!" George was almost yelling at the end, excitement radiating off him, as he dashed out the door.

Neville watched through the window as the bouncing ginger hair faded out of sight and smiled brighter than he had in weeks.

fandom: harry potter, hdb 2011, holiday drabbly bits!, char: hp: george weasley, char: hp: neville longbottom, hp: george/neville, fic

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