Title: Icy Rendezvous
katmarajadeWritten for:
ragdollPairing: Charlie/Luna
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 688
Prompt: snowdrifts and icicles
Summary: Molly keeps trying to fix Charlie up with nice girls, not knowing that he's already found the perfect woman.
There was no question that he loved his mum dearly-she was a fiercely devoted, loving, and amazing woman and the best mother a bloke could ask for-but she also drove him around the bloody bend. )
Comments 6
Moments later he Apparated to a quiet field where the snow had been teased into peaks, valleys, and teetering crests by whimsical winter winds. The artist wind, bored with its sculptures, now played with the long, wavering icicles hanging from the sagging willow branches, playing them like wind chimes, a low, bittersweet winter song.
That is such pretty writing. ♥
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