Title: Newton's Laws Have Nothing on High School
Author: Katie821
Rating: PG
Pairing: Adam/Sylar, Matt/Mohinder
Summary: The Heroes decide to compete in a science fair. Crack!fic. Heroes High School AU.
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None.
Newton’s Laws Have Nothing on High School )
Comments 17
Also Adam/Sylar banter makes me giggle. This is great stuff to wake up and find.
Thank you!
and this whole section was made of win: “Oh, wait, Sylar just smacked him. He stopped. Now it looks like he’s challenging Sylar to fisticuffs.”
“Five bucks says Sylar wins,” Mohinder said, slapping a five dollar bill on the table.
“I’ll take that action,” Noah said as he walked by, putting another five on the table and walking away, sipping his slushy.
You win the internet if Noah was drinking a Slusho.
(*sings really off-key*)
Heroes High School and Heroes High School
Heroes High School and Heroes High School
Heroes High School and cute teenage Matt and Mohinder-
These are a few of my favorite things!
No, for serious. This series is AMAZING. It is absolutely adorable and made of win. My favorite part is how everyone else is a little bit crazy, except for (arguably) Matt and Mohinder, who too busy being PRECIOUS. *draws hearts around them*
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