
Sep 01, 2010 20:22

In the closeup, we can see smoke rising from either Sarek or the surgical unit. Um. That's reassuring. And the thing is, with TOS, you can't be entirely sure that they meant to do that. It could just be that something on the set caught on fire and they kept filming. --thefourthvine

I have seen the inner psyche of my generation, and we are just as doomed as before, only now it's under the guise of "irony." --sophia_helix

If every time SG-1 takes Russians off-world most of them die, (a) why are the Russians so anxious to go with SG-1 and (b) why is O'Neill so resistant to taking them when he could eliminate a handful on every mission? --majorsamfan

Mostly, when Olivia whips out some previously unknown skill, I attribute it to her being AWESOME. When they try to do the same for Peter, I go, "but Pacey flunked Spanish!" --vonnie_k on Fringe

I swear, I don't know how they keep random fans in lycra from jumping on the ice and skating a lap. Would anyone notice? --barkley on short track speedskating relays

I've been having a lot of really long days in lab recently, trying to get a bunch of samples processed, and as I've been going through the monotony that real-life science can be, my brain started creating a list of all the bullshit you never see tv scientists have to deal with.

Because, really, science is rarely as exciting (or easy) as Sam Carter or Rodney McKay make it seem.

But, um, the experiment in the hood behind me quite literally just EXPLODED.

So maybe sometimes it is exciting.

And maybe, once this adrenaline leaves my system and my heart rate returns to normal, I'll actually make that list. --abyssinia4077

I carry parasols around with me, colours varying according to the day's ensemble, enjoying the heft of them, enjoying the elegant potential for violence lying latent under the ruffles. One couldn't get away with carrying a big pointy stick around without the ruffles. --pandarus

This reminds me of a story my mom sometimes tells about an older brother of mine; At the age of 14 (in the 1970’s) he was out at a party with friends his own age. When he returned, my folks asked him how the party was and what they’d been up to. He looked mildly disgusted and said, “Everyone was just sitting around doing oral sex.”

Needless to say, my folks freaked out. Nothing in their liberal, hippy background had truly prepared them for such a blunt and unexpected answer about the activities of their young son.

Upon further questioning, it turned out he thought ‘oral sex’ was the act of talking about sex. --hsifeng

When Caligula tells you not to go into a room, don't go into the room. --elmocho

I read The High King first, in a library edition that, because it had had its cover replaced with that plain green board cover stuff, had no indication that it was part of a series at all, let alone the last one. It actually... more or less made sense, but people kept showing up and dropping dead and then everyone else was sad. And I was like, "Ohhh... kay? I guess they knew each other?"

Then I started over from the beginning, and much became clear(er). --coraa on the Prydain Chronicles

The team agree that the ship isn't Goa'uld, Asgard, or Tollan. Jonas says the writing looks like "ancient Celtic," which annoys me only until I remind myself that if I watch SG-1 with that part of my brain engaged, I have no fun. --nandamai on Forsaken

I would have watched the hell out of the SG-1 where it's Catherine, Jacob, Bra'tac and Hammond bopping around the universe thwacking people with staff weapons and looking nonplussed. --tripoli

random, reading, television, stargate sg-1

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