You'd find my picture next to that word in the dictionary. I am the worst at updating anymore, I swear! I need to stop being so damn lazy.
Anywhoo, I apologize if this is a really random update, but I have a really random brain, so you know how it goes. :-)
I'm kinda iffy about going to work tomorrow. Why? Let me explain.
Cut for rambling )
Comments 5
Oooh you got a travel package, you'll have a great time. They're so worth it!
...As for wwe_100, I've done all of TWO Charlie icons. So we're in the same boat there, LMAO.
DUDE I'm so freakin' excited about Mania! I actually said something about it to my case manager/therapist today, LOL! So that got me all geeked out again, as WM talk usually does. And I also got that shadowbox thing for my WM21 keepsakes, so extra geeking!
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