Book Lurv - Rosemary & Rue

Sep 15, 2009 23:07

Ack! I meant to post this days ago & life got away from me...

Anyway... Around the time I got started on my revisions on W&F, I went to B&N to pick up a copy of a book I'd pre-ordered, Rosemary and Rue* by Seanan McGuire (seananmcguire). I've been following Seanan's LJ for a while and thought her debut novel sounded highly entertaining, so I made sure to get a copy as soon as it was available.

I'm so glad I did.

Now, you may remember my TBR Room post. The long & short of that post being that I don't often get to read a book as soon as I buy it. But Rosemary and Rue was sitting on the coffee table, and something about the shiny orange lettering and Toby's glowering face made me pick it up.

"I'll just read the prologue," I thought. "Just the prologue. I'm already reading two other books."

Yeah... I read the first 50ish pages before I realized it.

Basic premise: October "Toby" Daye is a Changeling, half-faerie, half-human, and entirely her own person. Determined to live her life her own way, she's gone out of her way to avoid the world of Faerie, until she's dragged back by a curse. Now she has to catch a killer or die trying- literally.

This book is awesome. You can tell how well Seanan knows all her characters, not just Toby, and the world they inhabit. I loved the natural way the histories between characters were revealed, as well as how easy it was to follow where Toby led- even when I could see her actions wouldn't end well. I got so sucked in I might have growled at Hubby when he came home from work & tried to talk to me when I was about 20 pages from the end...

But, best of all, at least for me, was the fact that this book made me impatient to get back to my own work. This is one of those books that makes me want to be a better writer. If I can make a book come alive for people with even half the skill that Seanan has... I'll be a very, very happy scribbler.

Kudos, Seanan! I'm eagerly anticipating A Local Habitation and following Toby further into Faerie.

*This is the first book in the October Daye series, and is what I usually refer to as 'adult' urban fantasy. The 'adult' is just because it isn't YA- I would say this perfectly fine for teens.

rosemary and rue, book review, toby daye, seanan mcguire

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