Transcript - The Next Doctor Part I

Mar 21, 2009 21:13

Note: I have put together what I hope is an accurate version of The Next Doctor. However it is almost certain that I have misunderstood or incorrectly typed something, so please let me know if you spot an error.

Oh, and I borrowed images from Sonic Biro to illustrate it, so it's not in the least dial-up friendly. If I've left out a picture you think 'has' to be in there, feel free to request it and I'll see what I can do.

And just to clarify:
D - Doctor
ND - Next Doctor
JL - Jackson Lake
R - Rosita
MH - Miss Hartigan
CL - Cyber-Leader

Do I really need to say that everything under the cut contains spoilers if you haven't seen the episode? No, I didn't think so...

[The TARDIS materialises under an archway, sheltered from the falling snow. The Doctor steps out of the TARDIS and grins at the sight of the snow and the typical Christmas scene that looks as if it could have been lifted from the pages of a Charles Dickens novel. The marketplace he enters is full of horses and stalls selling everything from fruit and vegetables to eggs and live hens. There are carol singers.]

D: You there, boy, what day is this?

Lad: Christmas Eve, sir.

D: And what year?

Lad: You thick or something?

Doctor [looks hurt]: Oi! Just answer the question.

Lad: The year of our Lord 1851, sir.

D: Right. [nods] Nice year. Bit dull.

Unknown voice: Doctor!

[The Doctor looks around, first in bemusement...]

Doctor: Who, me?

[...and then in delight and grins before running in the direction of the voice.]

Rosita: Doctor!

D: All right, don't worry. Stand back. What've we got here? [eyes bulging door] Ooh. Okay, I've got it and whatever's behind that door, I think you should get out of here.

R: Doctor!

D: Hold on, I'm standing right here. Hello!

R: Don't be stupid! Who are you?

D: I'm the Doctor.

R: Doctor who?

D: Just the Doctor.

R: Well, there can't be two of you!

[Another man runs up.]

R: Where the hell have you been?

ND: Right then, don't worry. Stand back. What've we got here then?

D: Hold on, hold on, who are you?

ND: I'm the Doctor. Simply the Doctor. The one, the only, [winks] and the best. Rosita, give me the sonic screwdriver.

[Rosita hands something over.]

D: The what?

ND: Now quickly, get back to the TARDIS.

D: Back to the what?

ND: If you could stand back, sir, this is a job for a Time Lord.

D: Job for a what lord?

[The door bursts open. Both Doctors leap back. In the shadow, a bronze Cyberman mask is visible.]

D and ND: Oh, that's new! [Creature crawls forward. Both Doctors pulls out their sonic screwdrivers.] Allons-y! [Eye each other.]

Opening Credits

[The bronze Cyberman mask belonging to a Cybershade twists from side to side. Rosita hides behind the Doctor.]

ND: I've been hunting this beast for a good fortnight now. Step back sir!

[The Cybershade leaps several stories up a nearby wall. All three look stunned.]

D: Some sort of primitive conversion. Like it took the brain of a cat or a dog.

ND: Well, talking's all very well. Rosita!

[Rosita appears with a wound length of rope.]

R: I'm ready.

ND: And now watch and learn.

[The Next Doctor swings lasso of rope, almost hitting the Doctor, who has to duck out of the way. He lassoes the Cybershade.]

ND: Excellent! Now then, let's pull this timorous beastie down to Earth.

[The Cybershade scrambles up the wall, dragging the Next Doctor behind it.]

D [very softly]: Or not.

ND: Ah. I might be in a little bit of trouble.

D [grabs the end of the rope]: Nothing changes! I've got you!

[The Cybershade looks at the camera. The Doctor looks up the wall at the Next Doctor and then his eyes widen as he's hauled upwards. Both men struggle and make incoherent noises. Rosita stands below, watching them go.]

R: You idiot!

[The Doctor and the Next Doctor pedal wildly in the air.]

ND: Perhaps if you could pull...

D: I am pulling! In this position, I couldn't not pull, could I?

ND: Then I suggest you let go, sir.

D: I'm not letting you out of my sight, Doctor! Don't you recognise me?

ND: No, should I? Have we met? This is hardly the right time for me to go through my social calendar! Aaaaagh!

[The Cybershade pulls them up into a fifth floor window. It then drags them the length of the room. Both yell and scream.]

D: It's gonna jump!

ND: We're gonna fall!

[Rosita chops the rope with the axe. Both Doctors lie on the ground, groaning and then begin to laugh hysterically. They hug as Rosita approaches as if they're both mad.]

R: Well, I'm glad you think it's so funny! You're mad, both of you! You could of got killed.

ND: But evidently we did not. Oh, I should introduce Rosita. My faithful companion, always telling me off.

D: Well, they do, don't they? Rosita. Good name. Hello, Rosita.

R [sneers]: Huh. Now I'll have to go and dismantle the traps. All that for nothing. And we've only got twenty minutes to the funeral, don't forget. Then back to the TARDIS, right?

D: Funeral?

ND: Oh, long story. Not my own, not yet. I'm not as young as I was.

D [begins to smile]: Not as young as you were when you were me.

ND: When I was who?

D [delight fading]: You really don't recognise me?

ND: Not at all!

D [still smiling]: But you're the Doctor! The next Doctor. Or the next but one. Future Doctor anyway. No, no don't tell me how it happened. Although - hope I don't just trip over a brick. That'd be embarrassing. Then again - painless. Worse ways to go. Depends on the brick.

ND: You're gabbling, sir. And might I ask, who are you exactly?

D: No, I'm - ah - I'm Smith, John Smith. But I've heard all about you, Doctor. [begins to smile] Bit of a legend, if I may say so myself.

ND [tries to look modest]: Modesty forbids me to agree with you, sir. But yes, but yes, I am.

D [hesitantly]: A legend with - certain memories missing. Am I right?

ND [serious]: How d'you know that?

D [also serious]: You've forgotten me...

ND: Great swathes of my life have been stolen away. When I turn my mind to the past, there's nothing.

D [wary]: Going how far back?

ND: Since the Cybermen. Masters of the hellish warscuttler and old enemies of mine. Now at work in London Town. You won't believe this, Mr Smith, but they are creatures from another world

D [tries to look sceptical or surprised and fails badly]: Really? Wow.

ND: 'Tis said they fell onto London. Out of the sky in a blaze of light. And they found me. [flashbacks to silver creatures as the Next Doctor stares into the fire] Something was taken. And something was lost. [looks up eagerly at the Doctor ] What was I like in the past?

D [uncertain]: Wh... I... I don't think I should say. Sorry. Gotta be careful with memory loss. One wrong word...

ND: Strange, though. I talk of cyber men from the stars and you don't blink, Mr Smith.

D [realisation]: Ah, don't blink! Remember that? Whatever you do, don't blink? With the blinking and the statues and Sally and the angels and - no?

ND: You're a very odd man.

D [eyes the Next Doctor]: Mm, I still am. Something's wrong here...

ND: Oh, the funeral! The funeral's at two o'clock! It's been a pleasure, Mr Smith. Don't breathe a word of it.

D: Oh, but can't I come with you?

ND: Far too dangerous. Rest assured, I shall keep this city safe. Oh, and, uh, Merry Christmas, Mr Smith.

D: Merry Christmas, Doctor.

[The Doctor watches him leave and then runs after him.]

* * *

[A Cyberman enters a brick building.]

Cyberman: Report - Cybershade 16 has made contact.

[Footage shows the Doctors and Rosita through the eyes of the Cybershade.]

CL: Then observe the enemy. This man is dangerous. This man is our enemy. [points at Next Doctor] This man is the Doctor.

[The Cyber-Leader walks to Miss Hartigan.]

CL: The attack is scheduled for 14.00 hours. Plans will be essential to arrange a successful intervention. Is everything in position?

MH: Well, that's rather dependent on you. All I can promise is to do my best.

CL: Define the parameters of 'best'.

MH: As you would say, I will operate at maximum efficiency. And you'll keep your part of the bargain?

CL: You will be heralded in the new age at the court of the CyberKing.

Cybermen: The CyberKing will rise.

MH: The CyberKing will rise. Indeed. How like a man. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a funeral to attend.

* * *

[Men and horses march in funeral procession. The Next Doctor and Rosita watch them go.]

ND: The late Reverend Fairchild leaving his place of residence for the last time. God rest his soul. Now, with the house empty I shall affect an entry to the rear while you go back to the TARDIS. This is hardly work for a woman.

[Rosita looks shocked and horrified. The Doctor eavesdrops on the conversation.]

R: Hoh, don't mind me saving your life. That's work for a woman, isn't it?

ND: The Doctor's companion does what the Doctor says. Off you go.

[The Doctor in the background half-smiles. The Next Doctor sidles along the railings. The Doctor watches Rosita leave. The Next Doctor tries to enter the house and has the door opened for him by the Doctor from the inside.]

D: Hello!

ND: How did you get in?

D: Oh, front door. [points over his shoulder] I'm good at doors. Um [looks down at screwdriver ND has tried to use to open the lock] would you mind my asking, is that your sonic screwdriver?

ND [bewildered smile, holds up screwdriver] Yes. I'd be lost without it.

D: But that's a screwdriver. How's it - sonic?

ND: Well, uh, makes a noise. [taps it on the doorjamb] That's sonic, isn't it? Now since we're acting like common burglars, I suggest we get out of plain view.

[The Doctor looks rather pained, but moves out of the way, closing the door.]

D: This investigation of yours, what's it all about?

ND: It started with a murder.

D [leans against a desk to watch the Next Doctor's face]: Oh. Good. I mean, bad, but whose?

ND [pawing through papers in a desk]: Mr Jackson Lake. A teacher of mathematics from Sussex. Came to London three weeks ago and died a terrible death.

D: Cybermen?

ND [eyeing the Doctor up and down] It's hard to say. His body was never found. But then it started. More secret murders, then abductions. [pauses, emotional] Children. Stolen away in silence.

[The Next Doctor gives up looking through the desk and strides away.]

D [moving to perch on the edge of the desk so that he can still watch the Next Doctor]: So whose house is this?

ND: The latest murder. The Reverend Aubrey Fairchild. Found with burns to his forehead. [looks at the Doctor, his face serious.] Like some advanced form of electrocution.

D: But who was he? Was he important?

ND [somewhat suspicious]: You ask a lot of questions.

D: I'm your companion!

ND [faint smile]: The Reverend was the pillar of the community. A member of many parish boards. Keen advocate of children's charities.

D [thoughtful]: Children again. But why would the Cybermen want him dead? [The Next Doctor turns to Doctor and begins walking towards him] And what's his connection to the first death, this Jackson Lake?

ND [faintly, thoughtful]: It's funny. I seem to be telling you everything. As though you engendered some sort of - trust. [pause] You seem familiar, Mr. Smith. I know your face. But how?

D: I wonder. [pause] I can't help noticing you're wearing a fob watch. [glances at watch and up again.]

ND [looks down, then up again]: Is that important?

D [getting up off desk and approaching]: Legend has it that the memories of a Time Lord can be contained within a watch. [puts out hand] D'you mind?

[The Next Doctor removes the fob watch and hands it to the Doctor. An incomprehensible metallic voice whispers as he hands it over.]

D [softly]: It's said that if it's opened... [opens watch and something falls out] Ooh, maybe not...

[The Next Doctor looks delighted.]

ND: It was more for decoration.

D [embarrassed]: Yeah. Anyway, alien infiltration.

ND: Yes. We must look for anything different. Possibly metal. Anything that doesn't seem to belong. Perhaps a mechanical device that can fit no Earthly engine. It could even seem to be organic.

[The Doctor takes out his sonic screwdriver and begins scanning the room, trying to keep it hidden from the Next Doctor's sight.]

ND: But unlike any organism of the natural world. [stops searching] Shh! [Doctor turns off sonic, flips it and pockets it] What's that noise?

D: Oh, it's just [gulp] me. Whistling. [whistles in imitation of sonic]

[The Next Doctor throws down paper in irritation]

D [points at desk where he's aimed the sonic]: I wonder what's in here though?

[The Doctor opens the desk and pulls out an infostamp.]

D: Ah, different and metal, you were right. They are infostamps. [looks at the Next Doctor] I mean, at a guess. Ah, if I were you [finds button and aims it over his shoulder] I'd say they worked something like this.

[The Doctor presses the button and the mirror shows the sepia images.]

D: See, compressed information. Tons of it. [puts on glasses] That is the history of London, 1066 to the present day. [the Next Doctor looks as if he's got a bad headache.] This is like a disc, cyber disc. But why would the Cybermen need something so simple?

[The Next Doctor walks off, fingering an infostamp, pain on his face. He drops into a chair.]

D: They've got to be wireless! [pause] Unless... they're in the wrong century. They haven't got much power. [turns off infostamp] They've been playing the basic infostamps to update themselves. [glances at the Next Doctor in concern.] You all right?

ND [gasps]: Fine.

D [comes over to kneel down in front of him]: No, what is it? What's wrong?

ND [grimly] I've seen one of these before. [flashback to view of Cybermen and the Next Doctor fighting them] I was holding... this device... the night I lost my mind. The night I regenerated.

[The Doctor frowns. More flashbacks to Cybermen and the Next Doctor grabbing an infostamp.]

ND [in tears]: The Cybermen! They made me change. My mind, my face, my whole self. [clutches the Doctor's cheek] And you were there! [fiercely] Who are you?

D [looking sympathetic]: A friend. I swear.

ND [tearfully]: Then I beg you, John, help me.

D: Ah. Two words I never refuse. [half-smile] But [snaps out of it and stands up] not a conversation for a dead man's house. It'll make more sense if we go back to the TARDIS. Your, ah, TARDIS. [runs around room] I just need to do a little final check. Won't take a tic.[opens door] 'Cause there's one more thing I can't believe. If this room's got infostamps, then maybe, just maybe, it's got something that needs infostamping [opens another door and finds a Cyberman].

D Okay. [closes door] I think we should run. [starts running]

[Cyberman bursts open the door and enters room.]

D [yelling]: Come on, Doctor! Now, look.

Cyberman: Delete!

[The Doctor pushes the Next Doctor out of the room, slams door and sonics it. They run down the hall, but other Cyberman comes out of a different doorway at them.]

Cyberman 2: The Doctor will be deleted.

Cyberman 1: Delete!

[The Doctor grabs the Next Doctor's arm and turns him in the direction of the stairs.]

D: Stairs! Come on, we'll lead them outside!

[The Next Doctor goes up the stairs, but the Doctor grabs a handle out of a nearby coat-rack. The handle turns out to belong to an umbrella. He throws it away in disgust. Another Cyberman enters the room.]

Cyberman: Delete!

[The Doctor grabs a sword off the wall and yanks it out of its scabbard.]

D: Ah! [threatens the Cybermen] I'm a dab hand with a cutlass. You don't want to come near me when I've got one of these. This is your last warning. [The Cybermen keep approaching] No? Okay, this is really your last warn - okay, I give up. [turns away, up stairs]

Cyberman: Delete!

D: Listen to me properly! Whatever you're doing not going to make any difference. Ah! [fends off attack] I can help! I mean it! I'm the only one in the world who can help you! Listen to me! [fends off attack again]

Cyberman : Delete!

D: I'm the Doctor.

[The Next Doctor looks shocked and horrified by the Doctor’s announcement.]

D: You need me. Check your memory banks! My name's the Doctor! [glances at the Next Doctor] Leave this man alone! [is forced onto his back, puts his feet on the Cyberman's chest] [between clenched teeth] The Doctor is me! [kicks and the Cybermen are pushed back down the stairs] [gets up and begins attacking them again] I'm the Doctor, remember? Ah! [fends off attack] I'm the Doctor! Oh! [fends off attack again] You need me alive. You need the Doctor and that's me!

[The Next Doctor is fingering the infostamp, flashing back to the night he was attacked and how he held an infostamp. The Doctor is pushed to the floor, unarmed as the Cyberman throws the cutlass away, and the Cybermen march towards him.]

Cyberman: Delete!

[The Next Doctor suddenly remembers activating the infostamp and how it affected the Cybermen. He does it now, aiming at the figures standing over the Doctor. As the Doctor scrambles to his feet, the Cybermen hold their heads, collapse to their knees, and their heads then explode. The Doctor laughs in shock as the Next Doctor collapses against a nearby dresser.]

D: Infostamp with a cyclo-stone core! You ripped open the core and broke the safety! Zap! Hoh, only the Doctor would think of that!

ND [shaking]: I did that. Last time.

D [sympathetic]: Come here, you'll be okay. Let me just check. [gets out stethoscope]

ND [breathless]: You told them you were the Doctor. Why did you do that?

D [careful]: Oh, just protecting you.

ND [critical]: You tried to take away the only thing I've got. [the Doctor is listening to his heart] Like they did. They stole something. Something so precious [begins to cry], but - I can't remember. What happened to me. What did they do?

D: We'll find out. You and me together. [removes stethoscope]

* * *

[Reverend Fairchild's coffin is being lowered into the ground as the snow falls and mourners stand around.]

Priest: And as much as it has pleased almighty God of his great mercy to take unto himself the soul of our dear brother here departed, we therefore commit his body to the ground.

[As the ropes are thrown into the hole and a bell begins to toll, a woman wearing a bright red dress and carrying a red and black umbrella approaches the funeral mourners.]

Priest: Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, and dust to dust. In sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life through our Lord, Jesus Christ, [The Priest notices Miss Hartigan and his eyes widen, his voice faltering] who shall change our vile body that it may be like unto His glorious body according to the mighty working… [falls silent]

MH [politely]: Do continue.

Priest: Madam, I must protest!

MH [unsurprised]: Whatever for?

Priest [trembling with rage]: A lady at the graveside is debateable enough, but... your apparel!

MH [slyly]: Is it too exciting?

Mr Cole: You're disgracing the ceremony! Dressed like a harlot!

MH [offended]: Oh, and you should know, Mr. Cole.

Mr. Cole [surprised]: How d'you know my name?

MH [looking at all of them]: You've walked past me so many times. All you good men of charity. Never once asking my name.

Mr Scoone: It's Miss Hartigan, isn't it?

MH: Oh, you noticed! I saw you looking, you cheeky boy.

Priest: Sorry, but who is she?

MH: Matron of the St Joseph workhouse, your [sarcastic pause] humble servant. [begins to walk around grave, the men back away] Oh, I've watched you all, visiting, smiling, bestowing your beneficence upon the poor while I scrub down their filthy beds.

Priest [furious]: I must insist that you depart.

MH [looking into coffin]: But that's why the late Reverend Fairchild had to die. To gather you all in one place, where better than a funeral? Man that is borne of woman hath but a short time to live. Although - I've got some friends who might disagree with that. [to priest] Would you like to meet them? [listens] Hark, I can hear them now!

[Echo of marching Cybermen, getting stronger every moment. The mourners begin to look around and then point and murmur as the Cybermen loom into view through the fog.]

MH: Mr. Cole, Mr. Scoones, Mr. Fetch, Mr. Milligan. Stay where you are, you're needed. The rest of you are disposable. [turns to priest] Sorry!

Priest: What manner of men are they?

MH: Cybermen.

[Cybershades also appear in the cemetery from behind gravestones.]

Voice: Save yourselves!

[Men begin to panic and run. Miss Hartigan watches as people try to escape and are electrocuted by the Cybermen.]

MH [louder]: I repeat, Mr. Cole, Mr. Scoones, Mr. Fetch, Mr. Milligan - stay!

[The others are rounded up and deleted.]

Mr Cole [horrified]: You monstrous witch!

MH [pleased]: Merry Christmas to you, too!

Mr Scoone: But why are we spared? What d'you need us for?

MH: Your children. It's funny, now I think of it, but in all these years, not one of you has asked my first name. [pause for Cybermen to gather] It's Mercy.

* * *

[Rosita comes out of a building as the Doctors approach.]

R: Doctor! I thought you were dead! [She runs to him and hugs him.]

ND: Oh, now then, Rosita, a little decorum.

R: But... you've been gone for so long! [glances at Doctor] He's always doing this! Leave me behind. [the Next Doctor studies his shoes, sheepish.] Going frantic!

ND: What about the TARDIS?

R: Oh, she's ready. [She turns, but hold out a hand to him.] Come on!

D [softly, smiling]: I'm looking forward to this!

[The Doctor follows the Next Doctor and Rosita into a room piled high with belongings.]

ND [rubbing hands]: You were right, though, Rosita. The Reverend Fairchild's death was the work of the Cybermen.

D: So - you live here?

ND: A temporary base until we rout the enemy.

[He fishes a cloth out of a bowl usually found in a washstand, but now standing on a barrel.]

ND: The TARDIS is magnificent, but it's hardly a home.

D [looking puzzled]: And where's the TARDIS now?

ND [washing his face]: In the yard.

D [looking around at everything]: Er, what's all this luggage?

ND: Evidence. Property of Jackson Lake, the first man to be murdered. [the Doctor nods] Oh, but my new friend is a fighter, Rosita, much like myself. [she nods] He faced the Cybermen with a cutlass. [softly] I'm not ashamed to say he was braver than I.

[The Doctor pulls out the sonic screwdriver and begins scanning Jackson's luggage.]

ND: He was quite brilliant. [Rosita looks over when she hears the noise, and the Next Doctor looks up.] Are you whistling again?

D [spins around and hides sonic]: Yes. Yes, I am, yeah. Yep.

[The Next Doctor nods in surprise and almost disbelief. The Doctor pockets the sonic and mouths 'shh' to Rosita, who glances warily at the Next Doctor before following him over to where the Doctor is removing the blankets that cover the luggage.]

R [mildly indignant]: That's another man's property.

D [opening a case]: Well, a dead man's... [nods at the Next Doctor as he begins to rummage] How did you two meet then?

R [glances at the Next Doctor, who is staring into the fire, and back]: He saved my life. Late one night, by the Ostler's Wharf, this creature came out of the shadows. A man made of metal. [the Doctor looks up at her] Thought I was gonna die. And then [looks at the Next Doctor] there he was. The Doctor. [looks back at the Doctor] Can you help him, sir? He has such terrible dreams. Wakes at night in such a state of terror.

ND [walking towards them]: Oh, no, Rosita. With all the things a Time Lord has seen, everything he's lost, he must surely have bad dreams.

D [raising eyebrows slightly]: Yeah. [keeps pawing through the case] Ooh, now, look. Jackson Lake had an infostamp.

ND [stepping forward to look]: But how? Is that significant?

D: Doctor, the answer to all this is in your TARDIS. Can I see it?

ND [smiles]: Mr Smith, it would be my honour.

[The Next Doctor leads the way out of the stables and into the courtyard, beaming. The Doctor follows, an unemotional look on his face.]

ND [proud smile]: There she is! My transport through time and space.

[The TARDIS is a blue hot-air balloon.]


D [almost speechless]: You've got a - balloon.

ND: TARDIS. T-A-R-D-I-S. It stands for Tethered Aerial Release Developed In Style. [laughs] D'you see?

D [tugs left ear]: Well... I do now. [nods] I like it. Good. TARDIS. Yeah. Brilliant. Nice one. Is it inflated by [goes over and looks up] gas, yeah?

ND [rubs hands]: We're adjascent to the Mutton Street gasworks. I pay them a modest fee. [pats man on shoulder] Good work, Jed.

Jed: Glad to be of service, sir.

[The Next Doctor hands over a large banknote.]

D [thoughtful]: You've got quite a bit of money.

ND [waving notes]: Oh, you get nothing for nothing. How's that ripped panel, Jed?

Jed: All repaired. Should work a treat. [the Next Doctor claps him on shoulder again] Never know, maybe tonight's the night, Doctor. Imagine it [looks at the Doctor] seeing Christmas from above.

ND [uneasy nod]: Well, not just yet, I think. One day I will ascend. [steps forward] One day soon. [glances guiltily at Doctor]

D [knowingly]: You've never actually been up.

R: He dreams of leaving, but never does.

ND [solemn, perhaps somewhat guilty]: I can depart, in the TARDIS, once London is safe. And finally, when I'm up there, [glances at the Doctor] think of it, John. Time and the space.

D [critical]: The perfect escape. [pause] Do you ever wonder what you're escaping from?

ND: With every moment.

D: Then do you want me to tell you? [the Next Doctor looks suspiciously at him] 'Cause I think I've worked it out now. How you became the Doctor. What d'you think? D'you want to know?

* * *

[The four owners of the workhouses are lined up in front of Miss Hartigan. All four are wearing earpods.]

MH: Mr. Cole, Mr. Scoones, Mr. Fetch, Mr. Milligan. You have your instructions and the court of the CyberKing is waiting. First of all, let's just see. A little test. Turn right. [all men do so] Turn left. [all obey the order] And face me. [they do and Miss Hartigan chuckles] Oh, I could do this forever. But now, set about your appointed tasks and bring them to me.

[She walks off and the men turn in different directions, marching away. Miss Hartigan enters a carriage and raps on the roof with the handle of her umbrella. A Cybershade is driving.]

* * *

[The Doctor is sitting on some of Jackson's luggage, his feet on a small table. His eyes are soft, full of sympathy, and he is almost in tears. The Next Doctor and Rosita are sitting opposite him.]

D: The story begins with the Cybermen. A long time away, and not so far from here, the Cybermen were fought, and they were beaten, and they were sent into a howling wilderness called the Void. Locked inside forever more. But then a greater battle rose up. So great that everything inside the Void perished. But as the walls of the world weakened, the last of the Cybermen must have fallen through the dimensions, back in time, to land here. And they found you.

[Rosita looks from the Doctor to the Next Doctor.]

ND [pained]: I fought them, I know that. [pause] But what happened?

D: At the same time another man came to London. Mr Jackson Lake. Plenty of luggage, money in his pocket, maybe coming to town for the winter season, I don't know. But he found the Cybermen, too. And just like you, exactly like you, he took hold of an infostamp.

ND [relaxing]: But he's dead. Jackson Lake is dead. The Cybermen murdered him.

D: You said no body was ever found. And you kept all his suitcases, but you could never bring yourself to open them. [the Next Doctor's eyes travel over the cases.] I told you the answer was in the fob watch. [he looks down at where the Next Doctor keeps it.] Can I see?

[The Next Doctor exchanges glances with Rosita and pulls out the watch, handing it over. The Doctor flips over the watch to reveal the letters J and L engraved in the back.]

D: JL. The watch is Jackson Lake's.

[Jackson frowns. Rosita looks horrified.]

R: Jackson Lake is - you, sir?

JL [feebly]: But I'm the Doctor.

D [heaves sigh]: You became the Doctor because the infostamp you picked up was a book about one particular man. [The Doctor picks up an infostamp and activates it against a wall, showing images of all ten Doctors.] The Cybermen's database. Stolen from the Daleks inside the Void, I'd say. But it's everything you could want to know about the Doctor.

JL [looking surprised as an image of the current Doctor is shown]: But that's you.

D: Time Lord, TARDIS, enemy of the Cybermen. [clicks tongue] The one and the only. [turns off infostamp. Jackson leans his elbows on his knees and presses his face into his hands.] You see, the infostamp must have backfired, streamed all that information about me right inside of your head.

[Jackson is in tears, his mind going to the night of the attack, his face, covered with an image of the Doctor's, which is flickering. Jackson, in the flashback, shakes his head as if waking from a dream. The actual Jackson wipes his eyes, staring at the floor.]

JL [beside himself]: I am nothing but a lie.

D [comes closer]: No, no, no, no, no. Infostamps are just facts and figures. [Jackson is trembling] All that bravery, saving Rosita, defending London Town, and the invention - building a TARDIS - that's all you. [Jackson looks at him, angry and suspicious]

JL: And what else? [furious] Tell me what else.

D [realisation]: Ah, there's still something missing, isn't there?

JL [sits up, angry]: I demand you tell me, sir! Tell me what they took!

D [apologetic, but cold]: Sorry. Really, I am so sorry. But that's an awful lot of luggage for one man. Cause an infostamp is plain technology, it's not enough to make a man lose his mind. What you suffered is called a fugue. A fugue state. Where the mind just runs away because it can't bear to look back. You wanted to become someone else because Jackson Lake had lost so much.

[Bells ring out. Rosita looks up.]

R: Midnight. Christmas Day.

[The Doctor, sorrowful, looks from Rosita back to Jackson.]

JL [stunned]: I remember. [pause] Oh, my God. [flashback to the Cybermen attack, including a woman being deleted.] Caroline. [pause] They killed my wife. [leans forward into his hands] They killed her. [Rosita comforts him awkwardly.]

[Something begins beeping. The Doctor looks at the infostamp, which has a blue light coming from it, and then, when the sound seems to be coming from somewhere else, begins hunting through the luggage, finding a long string of infostamps.]

D: Ooh, you've found a whole cache of infostamps.

R: But what is it? What's that noise?

D [realisation]: Activation. Call to arms! [shouts] The Cybermen are moving!

[The Doctor runs out into the snow. He sees the shadow of a line of people and runs over to them.]

On to Part II

the next doctor, dw, transcript, 2008-10 specials

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