Title: Between Us
Characters: Bill Weasley/Tonks/Charlie Weasley
Rating: R
Media used: Photoshop and tablet
Concrit?: Yes.
Warnings: none
Sorry it's so late hon. This is the line art for your birthday pic. Once I've finished my fest pics I will get around to colouring this.
Between Us )
Comments 11
I'll colour this up once the fests are out of the way.
I love the Weasley boys and I had fun coming up with Bill's tat. I'm sticking with Charlie's though. He's had this one in 4 drawings now. I think I'm stuck with it *g*
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I love Bill grasping her hair, and the way he looks a little like an observer.
Charlie = ♥
Mmm I am jealous of Tonks. I like Tonks but I'm not so fussed on the Remus/Tonks thing. Something didn't sit right with me. Maybe it was just because we didn't see enough of it. *shrugs*
*winks* Maybe Bill likes to watch his brother get it on.
It's hard with threesomes (in pictures at least) to show the relationships between them all. In my head, usually the relationships in this threesome are between C/T and C/B. I'm quite happy to read other versions but that's how it sits in my head.
I'm getting to like drawing Charlie.
*g* It was fun. I just don't have the time to colour it right now.
I had a lot of fun coming up with the details of the tattoos. I love coming up with reasons for them. They all have stories.
*loves your icon*
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