This is the last of the prompts I took the other week. I'm really happy with most of them.
This one was a load of fun but I've spent all day painting it when I should be doing other things so this is my last one for a while. I'll get the sewing stuff done as I have a bunch of stuff due this weekend.
I may take prompts again after I've done those and my dd pic.
ragdoll asked for Bill/Tonks or Charlie/Luna; sea and sand. I went with Charlie/Luna because I've not drawn those two together before and I do love drawing them both.
Click through for bigger
And for those that are interested here is the tattoo I drew for Charlie's arm
Of course knowing Luna, that's not a pretty souvenir she's wearing around her head. It's a crown of Chemahups o protect her from the Gimppypimps. She offered one to Charlie too but he politely refused.
I loved this. Luna's clothing isn't quite as insane as I could have gone but my hand is killing me as it is so I didn't go for more details. I loved drawing the sand dragon. Which is a dragon that lives on sand rather than one made of sand. I loved working on his camouflage and Luna's skirt drove me a bit nuts.
The problems I had with this one was getting Luna's face to actually look female, getting her hands to work and Charlie's left arm. Drove me nuts that one and it's still not great but it will have to do.
I know Charlie's pose is rather stiff but I'm putting that down to him having a dragon on his head *g*
Also the shadows on Luna's top are off but I'm done.
I guess I should crosspost a bunch of these drawbles from prompts to the relevant comms.