So this started out as a drawble for
shygryf and I got carried away. I'm really happy with it now. There are still mistakes and I've since fixed up the line of lighter stuff over Oliver's right shoulder but it would take way too long to re-upload it right now. I'll replace it eventually. You'll just have to imagine it for now.
shygryf asked for Oliver. Morning wood (in any sense of the phrase) and I originally intended to go for the porn.
But then this scene of Oliver and Percy just talking till the sun came up bashed me over the head.
I like the idea that after the war Percy is a little less stuffy and more aware of people and things other than his job and that Oliver has also woken up a bit and realised that there's more to life than Quidditch and they both realise they have more in common than they ever thought.
Not as big as I'd like it to be because it started out as just a drawble.