I managed to get this finished last night but I had a rotten nights sleep so I didn't get up till late.
Title: Family
Characters: Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Miranda
Rating: PG?
Media used: Photoshop and tablet
Concrit?: Yes.
Warnings: Cuteness, baby
This picture is based on a scene from
Evidence of Things Not Seen. The scene is from
Chapter six - But Who Can Survive Jealousy Hey hon. I wasn't sure how you would feel about me playing with your characters. I really hope you don't mind. This scene made Hermione go all wibbly and it had the same effect on me. It really is gorgeous. I love your story and I hope I've done it justice
I hope you have a great birthday!
Clicky to make bigger
Oh and Q. if there's anything you want me to change about it please let me know. Also if you're not happy with art from your work, that's fine, I will have no problem taking it down. I just wanted it to be a surprise otherwise I would have asked first.
And big thanks from me and Q to
maple_mahogany for helping Miranda be born. *g*