Title: Home
Summary: After GoF, Sirius travels to Remus' to lie low for a little while. Reminded of their former relationship, both men wonder if things can ever be the same.
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Not mine. No money made, still a poor student I assure you.
Pairing: Sirius/Remus
Authors notes: written for
joint_gifts for
rian219 . Many thanks to
kellygreen for the speedy beta.
home: a place where one lives; a residence )
Comments 17
Thank you :)
thank you & thanks for reviewing :)
aww, thank you :)
heheh, I liked that too :) Thank you!
This was lovely: it's so refreshing to read a Lie Low era fic where the two of them get together again so naturally, without any of the hesitations or emo-ness of some LLAL stories. I really like the way you carry on naturally from the hug in the Shack, with Sirius greeting Remus with a hug. This seems to me just the way it would really have been. And of course, I totally adore the use of 'home' and its various definitions.
heheh, I haven't been hiding them, honestly! *g*
& thank you. I wanted there to be a sort of mild awkwardness, a moment where neither is sure what the other wants. but after that moment, there's no need to prolongue the angstyness. They get enough of that later on!
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