In which Kate "nurses" a son of Hestia

Mar 06, 2013 12:42

The other reason I haven't been posting much in the past few weeks is that I've been travelling. The morning after I arrived back from DC, Jon had his bilateral hernia repair. It was terrifying to see him groggy and unkempt after the surgery, touching on my deepest fears; I assume the nurse sent me to fill his prescriptions so she could make him presentable. But then we got to his place and had tasty sandwiches from the place around the corner. He slept a lot and I played a lot of video games and read. Friday night, Missus dropped off Lucky and we had a brief moment of connection over MAC. Despite his convalescence, Jon cooked 3 meals a day for us and by Saturday, he was well enough to take us to Target, where Lucky exasperatedly had to herd me away from all the shiny objects. Sunday I went for a run along the water, logging 5mi in the out and back to the Brooklyn Bridge. Walking through the neighborhood and seeing the children playing on the pier went a long way to resigning me to leaving my borough. I could recount all the lovely little things that happened that week: reading a typography book side-by-side, him watching me do 100 burpees (for a Fitocracy quest), cooing over his sandwiches (not a euphemism), discussing childhood tv shows.

My mother bought us dinner Mon night - apparently Lucky will eat sushi, if he can use his fingers - and Tues morning I went home. Weds night we went to a networking event together and Thurs night we went to the Explorers Club for dinner with my parents. Mike Yamashita of National Geographic spoke at the latter, showing his pictures from the tea route through Lhasa. It looks a lot like the Nepalese Himalayas and it was gratifying to discover even National Geographic photographers have trouble getting perfect focus in portraits.

I saw more of Cinekink (nsfw) this year than ever before: I went to the kick-off party, caught back to back to showings with each of my boyfriends on Friday night, saw a clip show with Tristan Taormino on Sat afternoon, and went to the closing party. There were some entertaining conceits and some of the movies ended before the joke got boring. I was amused that the pole dancing school I've attended was featured in "Skinja". I was very disappointed in The Baroness' take on Alice in Wonderland, but "Plastic Love" turned out to be a deeply disturbing movie I ultimately appreciated very much. The best though was Tristan's selections: I want to watch all of Crash Pad now and I'm deinitely going to looked for Stud Hunters and The Female Voyeur.

The rest of the week was a blur of reading - I finished 8 books in 6 days - and tidying and job stuff. I'm not sure what all the reading is about, if I'm avoiding something or processing really hard. oh well, I have lots to read as it is.

running, reading, schmoop, kids, movies, health, photography

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