Thursday night's
karaoke was amazing. I *heart* showtunes - although I'd note that while it helps to have the lyrics, I didn't realize how many songs I don't actually know the melody to and it's kinda nice having lots of nice gay men to drown out my dubious pitch and cracked notes sing along with - and every night I spend with my DOWF roomies is amazing.
Which is good bc I felt pretty awful on Friday. It wasn't an epic hangover, but every night I was supposed to catch up on sleep in the week since
Tribe weekend, I had insomnia. Grr. I almost considered safewording at 2pm, but stuck it out and even left work at 7pm, although I can't say it was my most productive day ever.
Unfortunately, when I got to Ct that night, I discovered my mother wanted to hang out with her sisters at her parents house,
and they were being awfully boring. Maybe my grandmother was similarly trying to escape their conversation about whack-ass eating plans to help keep you young, bc she came over and started trying to talk to me. I don't think it was entirely the hangover that kept me from understanding her - I just had trouble explaining why I don't cook for myself in Vietnamese. *sighs* She told me at one point I have very nice muscles, pinching my bicep - but I was horrified to see how thin she is when she put my hand on her bicep. Aiyee. I need to make more of an effort to make sure she eats. I'm also kinda glad that we were all hanging out at my grandparents' house, as it turns out my grandfather had a mild heart attack Sat night, so he went to the ICU and there's talk of a pacemaker or bypass surgery this week. I also don't understand how my hometown hospital is so freakin' shiny - and yet they don't put in stents there. Like, aren't those pretty routine these days?
But I'm jumping ahead of myself. Sat I went to the orthodontist, where they took x-rays, made molds, and took a p*vax. The nice lady was very nice and we talked about karaoke and no one gave me grief bc I completely failed to bring any insurance documentation.
In the afternoon, my mum and I went to my fave consignment shop, where I tried eleventy-seven things that didn't really fit - the shopper in the dressing room who scavenged all my rejects was impressed with my good taste - and I came home with a new bag and an incredibly awesome skirt. I'm amused that I was trying on suits, as my company just announced yesterday we're transitioning back to business formal GRR. We also went to Victoria's Secret bc my mother was deeply offended by my bra. Yes it was old, but no, I don't need cleavage up to my ears *sighs*
Sat night I went to a not-all-that-small gathering, where I saw people I haven't seen in years, people I should see more often, and new people. It was interesting to talk clothes with someone who is spoken of in hushed tones by my last two primary-track crushes. I'm so very bitter that the pvc I bought when I got into the scene is all coming to pieces boo.
I deliberately decided not to go climbing on Sunday, bc there's only so many weeks in a row you can burn the candle at both ends. Instead I cleared the detritus of a week of gadding about, lazed about the house, re-read a book, and made a little headway on the filing. In the evening, I found out I might have a surprise houseguest, which threw me into a tizzy, so I did laundry and changed the sheets. Bc in emergencies, that's how I roll.