(no subject)

Mar 16, 2007 21:04


So it's the WCHA Final Five this weekend, which means college hockey playoffs. My team, Minnesota, was playing Wisconsin, which is a crazy and old rivalry and it's that whole "I cheer for Minnesota and anyone who's playing Wisconsin" thing, and we were lucky enough to get it on TV.

MINNESOTA WINS a very very exciting game, which ends with an empty net goal to complete a hat trick from one of my favorite players. I'm happy and shout-y and jumpy and all is well.

Fifteen minutes later, someone is POUNDING ON OUR DOOR so loud that I think Alex and I both about had a heart attack.

Who's there? Oh, the police.

Apparently, some people walking by (THREE LEVELS BELOW US) decided we were having A Domestic and called the cops.

Everyone sort of laughed it off, we gave the cops shit for scaring the HELL out of us, they told us we had nosy people in our neighborhood and took our names and DOBs, and that was that.

BUT SERIOUSLY, y'all. We live on Crack Street. It's March Madness. AND it's the day before St. Patrick's Day.

People are yelling all the goddamned time right outside our window, and we generally take a look and listen to what people are yelling before we call the cops (which we've done, but mostly when we can see something getting physical). JESUS CHRIST. If they'd listened, they would have heard me yell either "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY" or "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" or "HAT TRIIIIIIIICKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!"

...my heart is still racing though. Goddamn did they pound on our door hard.

(OH! AND!!! THERE WAS PORN! ON OUR COMPUTER! WHILE THE PO-POs WERE HERE! That would have been embarrassing.)

hockey, real life omg

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