O: O: O: <-- is much the only thing I can do at the moment. If there was a Kazuki even vaguely in there or a Jin vaguely in there I might not be able to type. As it is, kid!shots of Yuu and I believe Jun and younger!baby!sister are already much potential key-mashing.One more time, O
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Cold in hk, only because i'm wallowing in the room with cold ac. Otherwise tired and wondering if i should have gone drinking some more with boss and other people, then remembering i'm close to snapping without my personal space.
I usually don't remember dreams, good ones or bad. Sure I'd jerk awake remembering, but after going back to sleep, or 2 minutes into brushing my teeth, I'd usually have forgotten them
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I am looking for contractors to install cabinets/wardrobes. A few people on my F-list have had their homes furnished before; would you be kind enough to recommend any? (I prefer quality material over low prices.)
I'm looking at my current wardrobe and thinking it may not last beyond a month....