You all may remember that I put up a poll here on what self-directed mini-classes people would be most interested in--I put polls up elsewhere too, including the class I just finished teaching on Drawing and Sketching. (I also did a second poll with a few things I'd forgotten...I DO teach watercolor, for Pete's sake!
And I'd forgotten to add Journal Keeping, so it will be in there too...
The results are in! In addition to the polls, I got a lot of feedback via comments and so forth, so here's what will be coming in 2011 and beyond...
First was a surprise to me!
- Quick Sketching Techniques (may be I and II, since I have a LOT of ideas!
- Sketching in nature
- Journal Keeping
- Drawing People
- Watercolor Textures
- Watercolor Pencil
- Plein Air Painting
- Watercolor Basics
- Drawing Birds
- Painting Flowers
- Creativity Prompts (last, which surprised me too!)
These self-directed classes would be at YOUR convenience, as I've said...particularly once I get several done and you can pick the one you want, when you want it.
Here's what Wendi commented on my first post on the subject: "I love the idea of minimal cost and convenience. Those are always my only issues with on-line classes. When I have a little extra money and time the class isn't available, and vice versa. I would totally be into the Quick Sketching, Watercolor Basics, Creativity Prompts, & Sketching in Nature. Other: Journal Keeping (I tend to get stuck/procrastinate and find days and months slip by. I think a class like this would be a nice nudge. "
Thank you, Wendi, and all who took the polls and added your comments!
I'm busily writing and organizing lessons and dealing with the tech issues of sign-up and delivery of classes, so it'll be a this space!