I have no doubt that, amongst jillions of postings in thousands of feminist blogs, there are going to be some dodgy attitudes and stupid statements. But after watching for just a minute or so, I'm already sceptical of
this YouTube video, which purports to expose racism etc on feminist blogs. I went to look up the first comment for which the filmmaker gives a source: someone idiot's dribble about how poor people breed too much. It turned out not to be a posting on the blog, which is strongly anti-racist, but a
comment from a visitor.
How many of the rest of the outrageous comments are exactly that - comments, not statements by feminist bloggers?
Of course, that won't stop anyone from using the video as "evidence" that feminists are just a pack of bigots. D'oh! I keep forgetting the first rule of Internet discussion: it doesn't matter what was actually said or who actually said it. Gods damn it, I promised myself I wasn't going to use snark as a rhetorical device any more.
ETA: At least two of the other ugly remarks are also comments, not postings by bloggers:
the transphobic one and the bizarre one about how WOC should
"get a grip" - posted by a WOC. In each case, the context is the nasty remark being challenged and/or mocked by feminist bloggers. The other thing you need to know: despite the film-maker's introductory remarks, the comments are not all from one day; of these three, one's from this month, one's from May, and one's from last year.
ETA ETA: More links to the original contexts in the comments.
thoughts over at