I was tagged by
remisims Rules as such;
A. List ten habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag ten people to do the same...(except that I'm sure everyone's been tagged by now lol, so if you haven't and feel like playing along, go for it :D).
Trying to think of ten things vaguely interesting, or at least amusing...contains one swear word )
Comments 1
2.. Oh, my sister did that something like that. My mom even wrote what she said down. Lot's of 'god damn's there. :)
Queen! :P I'm the same with Modern history and naming things. A few of my Sims where named after people in history (Mikhail and Wilhelm Slater were born when I was studying the respective historical figures at school.)
I hate dentists, mainly because of a situation similar to yours. I had a dead tooth (a molar) that I wouldn't let my dentist pull out (I'm needle phobic, severely). So I had major surgery under general anesthetic, and they completely screwed up my teeth and jaw.. It means I bite my tongue.. A lot.. Lol!
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