BaCC: Week One

Apr 27, 2011 01:21

This would be a good place to note that I break up the playing week, so for example I might play the families for four days, then go through and play the remaining three days. The reason I did this is because I learnt very quickly a lot can happen in four days and I needed everyone to catch up!

Without townies, or electronics, to keep them entertained, everyone just seemed to gather at each other’s houses. I had every intention of bringing them all together at William’s lot. But honestly, by the time I got to it after playing the other families for three or four days, it was safe to say their relationships were well and truly established. Although as you can see here on the Barkworth lot, forming relationships isn’t particularly one of William’s strong suits.

It would appear dedicating his life to learning has left him socially unaware. It appears after he and Di shared a small peck he was convinced they were sworn to be together forever (also my original plan, but I digress). So when Frank Jnr (autonomously mind you, and I don’t have ACR) charmed her, William was heartbroken and furious and within all of about five minutes into the challenge, two positions in the law career had opened up.

He was so angry he even slapped her again at Uduak’s place, but in a place this small it’s not like they could avoid the issue for ever. By the time Di wandered over to his lot later a few days later, he was still mad but had calmed somewhat, and she, with her gentle nature had forgiven him for being a complete jerk and slapping her not once but twice.

They talked well in to the night and Di patiently explained that he couldn’t just push her, or anyone, into an engagement just because they were in different circumstances. When she left that night, the two departed as good friends. And in the next few days, William’s attention would turn to another woman, Samantha Uduak.

Di wasn’t the only Barkworth to be receiving male attention as Sky found her own, um, company with Frank Snr who made himself very much at home at their place. It wasn’t the long term commitment that Di as a family sim wanted for her sister, but she was really just happy to see that Sky wasn’t being ostracised.

At the Uduak’s place, Frank Snr was getting even more loving. I assume his surprise comes from the fact that his managed to get so lucky despite the towns slim pickings. This was actually before she found herself in love with the town’s founder but by then the damage had been done so to speak.

While her brother dutifully tried to fulfil his wife’s desire for a child without any luck, Samantha found herself pregnant after just one night with the town’s elderly lothario. Surprised by the intensity of her feelings for William, she tells him her news expecting him to be furious and ending their burgeoning romance.

But it seems William has learnt some patience when it comes to love and assures her he understands and will wait for her.

Her first opportunity to speak with her baby’s father is ill timed as he is on a date with Sky. Sky had never been in love so deeply before and is upset, although not as upset as she becomes when Samantha cracks it and slaps her. Now furious, she absolutely goes to town on Frank Snr and the two end up in a brawl on the front lawn.

This fight was to be the first of three at various locations.

Needless to say the date was a disaster and Frank Snr maturely leaves a bag of flaming poo for Sky on her front door.

After she calms down, Samantha and Frank Snr talk at length. It’s very important to him to fulfil his role as a father, just as it was with his son all those years ago. While their relationship had greatly improved, he tells her he understands that she isn’t interested in marrying him, but that he would like her to move in so he can see his baby every day. She agrees and moves in that day.

Meanwhile Frank Jnr, despite all the chaos that his simple flirt caused, didn’t pursue a romance with Di straight away. He was probably concerned that the repercussions would extend further than his newspaper being stolen. He did build friendships though, and all his wants indicate that if she hadn’t been married, he would have happily pursued a relationship with his best friend Caitlin Uduak.

After William’s anger dissipates and Frank Jnr wonders on to the lot again feels it’s safe, the two begin their courtship. This consists mostly of slow dancing.

Wasn’t there another family you ask, well yes, and they were boring as hell. Merlin wanted a baby, and Danielle simply refused to get pregnant. He made lots of pottery because he’s best friends with William and soon he’ll open a shop to sell said pottery and be able to help William be promoted past Campaign Manager. Why pottery, well, crockery breaks and it seemed something that vaguely made sense for him to create and sell.

Danielle took a job in the law career. That’s about it.

Meanwhile, back at the Barkworths, Frank Jnr is so in love he’s prone to stare adoringly at Di while she makes pasta sauce. Soon they decide to take their relationship to the next level and move in together, after which Frank Jnr immediately drops on bended knee to propose. She says yes.

Samantha delivers a black haired, blue eyed boy they name Zachary. Frank is as devoted as a father the second time round as he was the first and happily spends his days caring for his youngest son.

Samantha knows Frank Snr is getting on in age, and thinks the best thing is for her and Frank to be together in the meantime for their son. William understands and once again promises to wait until they can be together.

Meanwhile Caitlin had finally fallen pregnant and not long after her sister-in-law gave birth, delivers a black haired, brown eyed baby girl they named after the season she was born in, Winter.

Without telephones it’s extraordinarily difficult to organise a wedding party so Frank Jnr and Di quietly exchanged vows at home. The first week in Forest Heights ends with the newlyweds planning their future.


Playables: 12

Sim Multiplier: 1

Population: 12

Town Funds: 1200


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