Title: (When I Think of Your Kisses, My Mind) See-Saws...
Summary: Modern AU. Sometimes the road to love is paved in ridiculous, if not somewhat awkward Facebook and Twitter posts, far too many pop culture references than are strictly necessary, nosy supporting cast members with insanely large personalities, the establishment of "Comfy Couch of
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Comments 12
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(P.S. Sorry I am super lame and take sixty years to answer reviews. LOL)
and frunk!Merlin trying to pull Arthur, and the pick up lines... THE PICK UP LINES! XDDDDD
(P.S. Sorry I am super lame and take sixty years to answer reviews. LOL)
(P.S. Sorry I am super lame and take sixty years to answer reviews. It really means a lot to me that you read my fic!)
(P.S. Sorry I am super lame and take sixty years to answer reviews. It really means a lot to me that you read my fic!)
(P.S. Sorry I am super lame and take sixty years to answer reviews. It really means a lot to me that you read my fic!)
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