Title: And strain our banish'd eyes Summary: This isn't a game. Jason knows that. Author's Notes: Inspired by a chat with __marcelo. Disclaimer: I do not own any characters described herein; DC has all. ( Read more... )
Jason wears a dark leather jacket and a white shirt and dark, tight pants and black combat boots because he's a street kid, like he always was, and *this* is his uniform.
*hugs Jason*
Jason's strength, as any Robin's, was that he made the role his, not the other way around. He was himself all along, and now... he still is.
Comments 11
*hugs Jason*
Jason's strength, as any Robin's, was that he made the role his, not the other way around. He was himself all along, and now... he still is.
Bruce's world-class denial skills notwithstanding.
And Jason is more than Robin. He's a street punk, and he's Robin, and that's the *same fucking thing*.
Yes, I will probably never stop quoting Gloss, because MADE OF WIN.
Jason is Jason, whatever face he wears.
*hugs your icon*
*kisses you*
Jason is a w00bie, now and forever.
:D :D :D I'm not happy with how I worded that, but I'm glad it works anyway.
Well. Talia will take care of him! For certain varieties of care.
*hugs you* Thanks!
Ouch. Seriously.
This is so very, very Jason. Excellent.
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