Title: If truth in hearts that perish Summary: Long before Slade Wilson was Deathstroke, or even a soldier, he was just one more kid. Author's Notes: Written for Psych_30 number four, Ego/Id. ( Read more... )
Stories like this make me think that Slade needs a Jason, something fierce.
They also make me think that I am fond of how you can take something that, if I were to describe it to someone else, would sound like a story summary, but is instead a series of snapshots. This is the photo montage of what it means to be Slade Wilson. It makes me fear for him, and that means you've made him human for me.
I believe very firmly that Slade and Jason would be either BFF or try to kill each other. Possibly both.
They also make me think that I am fond of how you can take something that, if I were to describe it to someone else, would sound like a story summary, but is instead a series of snapshots. This is the photo montage of what it means to be Slade Wilson.
I saw this bit and had to get up out of my chair so I could do a little dance of having won. I do not have any words to be smart and all, my energy is taken up by the big, goofy grin on my face.
It makes me fear for him, and that means you've made him human for me.
And *that* means I win past all previous winnage. I win *more than* Bucky in Mary's icon.
What impresses me the most is that there is little in his later life, beyond experience and skills, that isn't also here. He wasn't changed by events as much as by how he reacted to them. The core of what he is... just is.
Comments 15
They also make me think that I am fond of how you can take something that, if I were to describe it to someone else, would sound like a story summary, but is instead a series of snapshots. This is the photo montage of what it means to be Slade Wilson. It makes me fear for him, and that means you've made him human for me.
I'd say he needs a Tim.
He gets an Adeline, at any rate.
They also make me think that I am fond of how you can take something that, if I were to describe it to someone else, would sound like a story summary, but is instead a series of snapshots. This is the photo montage of what it means to be Slade Wilson.
I saw this bit and had to get up out of my chair so I could do a little dance of having won. I do not have any words to be smart and all, my energy is taken up by the big, goofy grin on my face.
It makes me fear for him, and that means you've made him human for me.
And *that* means I win past all previous winnage. I win *more than* Bucky in Mary's icon.
Speaking of icons, Petra -- !!!
It makes me ache for Slade - but it makes me afraid of him, too.
It makes me ache for Slade - but it makes me afraid of him, too.
If a story about Slade doesn't make the reader at least a little scared of him, the writer is doing something wrong. He's an utterly terrifying man.
And a scary kid, too.
Baby Bruce is -- or should be -- recognizably Batman.
Baby Slade is -- or should be -- recognizably Deathstroke.
Even though they're not there yet.
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*wriggles in glee*
Frannie is distilled essence of *awesome*. Slade thinks so, too.
She thinks it's kind of cute how he gets all wide-eyed and tense around her. At least he doesn't stutter like some of his friends.
When you take over the world, I shall.
It makes *so* much sense that that's how she charms him. But then this whole story makes utter glorious sense. I'm so glad you pointed me to this.
having slightly login trouble
:D *basks in praise*
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