manonlechatPrompt: #081 - Ashes
Word Count: 217
Rating: G
Author's Note: Written for and crossposted to
zutara100. Concrit welcome. Thanks for reading!)
Each had just saved the other’s life; each had nearly been killed doing it. Still panting from the effort, staring into one another’s eyes, suddenly everything seemed to click into place and it no longer even mattered that they were soaking wet and standing in front of everyone.
Zuko cautiously placed his hands on her waist; Katara timidly brushed a wet lock of his hair away from his face. They closed their eyes, he bent his head, she lifted hers -
They kissed.
Katara pulled back almost immediately.
"What is it?" he asked, his arms still around her.
"Nothing," she answered hesitantly.
"What's the matter?"
"It’s just... your breath. You taste like ashes." Her nose wrinkled.
It took Zuko several full moments to respond.
"Well, you taste like peasant!"
Katara's hands balled into fists.
"What did you just say? Why you selfish, stuck-up jerk!"
"Self-righteous, rustic, waterbending-" Zuko struggled for a word "-girl!"
"YAHHHH!" screamed Katara, attacking with all river water she could bend.
"UNNNHH!" shouted Zuko, forming the largest fireball he had yet mustered.
There was crashing, whooshing, and a lot of steam suddenly in the air.
Sokka managed to shut his jaw. "Should we do something?" he asked.
Toph snorted.
Battle cries and angry grunts, followed by more whooshing and explosions.
"Nope," replied Aang, blissfully smug.
I’m sorry! I had to do this to these two-they’ve been getting way too fluffy on me. ;) My next drafts are all of the romantic and sweetish variety (Proposals! Snuggles! Adorable little water/fire-bending spawn!), I promise.