Title: Through a Glass, Lightly: Set Asunder - Chapter Four Summary: In the aftermath of New Caprica, nothing will be the same. Genre: Alternate universe, but very familiar. Rating: T
Laura will always be one to compartmentalize her emotions in any universe. She has a job to do and doesn't have time or the luxury of letting her own life get in the way.
Don't worry about Gaeta. Or maybe you should. Go back and reread that last bit.
Its like BSG all new again but still so familiar ♥
I love the inclusion of the ice water veins line! and the little ways Laura tries to occupy her mind... I cant wait to see what happens when all that pent up emotion breaks loose!!
"I know what she did was wrong..." he continued, letting his voice trail off into a whimper. "But I would forgive every damned thing she's ever done if she walked off a Raptor right now. What am I going to do without her?" ♥ Saul & Ellen ♥
I love the scene with Bill and the Six that saved him, the sixes were always my favorite, and I like how she seems sad that she has disappointed him even though she saved him, but I also like that he told her he won't be a pawn *cough*like baltar*cough*
Damn those sneaky bastards! Bill will not be doing your baby stealing... that's Laura's area. :P
I love the scene with Bill and the Six that saved him, the sixes were always my favorite, and I like how she seems sad that she has disappointed him even though she saved him, but I also like that he told her he won't be a pawn *cough*like baltar*cough*
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Don't worry about Gaeta. Or maybe you should. Go back and reread that last bit.
Whew, there for a minute I thought you were going to have Saul/Laura, and that was just going to make me squicky all over the place.
I hope Gaeta disappears for a very long time. I didn't like him. Ever.
*snuggles Laura moar*
Eww. Saul/Laura. No. At least they *like* each other in this story though. They see each other as Big Brother and Little Sister.
I adore you for this story :D
Its like BSG all new again but still so familiar ♥
I love the inclusion of the ice water veins line! and the little ways Laura tries to occupy her mind... I cant wait to see what happens when all that pent up emotion breaks loose!!
"I know what she did was wrong..." he continued, letting his voice trail off into a whimper. "But I would forgive every damned thing she's ever done if she walked off a Raptor right now. What am I going to do without her?"
♥ Saul & Ellen ♥
I love the scene with Bill and the Six that saved him, the sixes were always my favorite, and I like how she seems sad that she has disappointed him even though she saved him, but I also like that he told her he won't be a pawn *cough*like baltar*cough*
Damn those sneaky bastards! Bill will not be doing your baby stealing... that's Laura's area. :P
Love you, love this story, can't wait for more
This is an important dynamic. Stay tuned.
New chapters make me very happy :)
She's going to do something pretty ruthless, yes. And it will be ugly.
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