
Jun 04, 2011 19:44

Oooohh, Doctor Who. Totally called it!

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Comments 5

leetje June 4 2011, 18:47:22 UTC
Didn't everyone? xD


kataclysmic June 5 2011, 13:17:03 UTC
Lol - I have no idea. I am so out of the loop with fandom & livejournal.


suzvoy June 4 2011, 18:56:24 UTC
Yeah, that was the least surprising surprise twist ;D


kataclysmic June 5 2011, 13:17:46 UTC
Haha, all my rl friends were OMGing. I am very out of the fandom loop, so had no idea about other speculations! :o)


ladydragoness June 4 2011, 20:25:12 UTC
I haven't seen it yet... The Almost People comes on in a few hours on BBC America.

I had to make a choice today. Either I could help out at the free concert being held by my employers -music I don't even listen to- or I could stay home and watch Doctor Who. That's a really hard decision... NOT!


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