Para la escritura no existen reglas definitivas, pero nunca está de más escuchar los consejos de quienes la desarrollaron con virtud y grandeza. ____________
Just saw you commenting on Ginmar's journal - yeah, you should either let it go or just post it to Fandom_wank and enjoy the LOLs. She obviously hasn't seen either the show or read the books, but is determined that if she swears and rants enough, people won't notice. I swear, she wasn't always this crazy.
The funny, actually funny thing is that she doesn't just answer what is convenient for her, ignoring the obvious things about she has no idea, but also erases comments or hide comments that shows her fallacies, suddenly no longer about ASOIAF but about life. Because really if you are discussing one saga, and rape in that saga, ok whatever, why In the earth do you have to show the card of “I’ve been in Iraq and Iran, I’ve seen needy people” anywaaaaay I think I want to go to Fandom wank, can you send me the link? And I bet my name that she has a shrink, because clearly is no longer a totally functional person.
Evolucion (_Sernando)ext_2776416September 16 2014, 16:49:00 UTC
Se que no viene a cuento comentar en este post de aquella fanfic, pero necesitaba comprobar que tu LJ seguia activo. Tengo que decirte que acabo de terminar de leer lo que hasta ahora llevabas escrito, y de ahi he sacado dos conclusiones. Una: Eres la persona que mejor escribe, de lejos, que he leido nunca (y leo mucho, creeme) y dos: que he adquirido una seria adiccion por esa fanfic, asi que si me hicieses el favor de continuarla, o inventarte un final sobre la marcha para que al menos yo no tuviese la necesidad de tirarme de los pelos cada vez que pienso en ella, te lo agradeceria enormemente. Dicho esto, espero que si lo lees y no piensas hacerlo por unas cosas o por otras, al menos me lo notifiques para no quedarme esperando como una lela pegada a la pantalla del ordenador. MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS
Comments 40
And I bet my name that she has a shrink, because clearly is no longer a totally functional person.
And yeah, I liked the bit where she mentioned she was a ballerina - because that somehow means she knows what she's talking about.
Todos los demás son geniales, algunos ni siquiera se me hubieran pasado por la mente.
El n°6 SIEMPRE es una buena idea, poner a tus personajes a l límte y probarlos suele dar resultados interesantes :p
Lo sé, son los mejores consejos que he leído nunca.
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