SCD Fic: Balance

Nov 28, 2015 22:38


So whilst watching Strictly Come Dancing, dreamersdare sends me a text. It goes like this:

dreamersdare: Darcey just called Craig ‘the boy’. My usual aversion to scd fic does not include domme Darcey. Just wanted to throw that out there.
kat_lair: lol lol darcey/gleb femdom with heels, trampling and cbt?
dreamersdare: Yes please, thank you very much


Title: Balance
Author: Mistress ( Read more... )

rpf, strictly come dancing, my fanfiction

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Comments 6

dreamersdare November 28 2015, 23:46:43 UTC
Oh, fuck me, I think I love you. I know I love your brain and I knew, I knew if I could coax you into writing this, it would be spectacular. And it is.

There have been boys in the past who’ve made the mistake of thinking that waiting naked for her in her dressing room would be appealing. It’s not that she doesn’t like initiative - she appreciates it very much in certain circumstances - but something like that is just presumptuous. As if all they had to do was show up.

Foolish that.

Yes, this. Very much this. This was the line that drew me back at the end, because it adds layers (to me, anyway, there are whole worlds of meaning associated with this line about being a ballerina and the expectations that come with that and the world she moved in).

Anyway, thank you! That was a very pleasant end to my evening :D


kat_lair November 29 2015, 13:13:25 UTC
Idk whether to hate you or love you, maybe a both. It's been ages since I've written anything longer than drabble and in some ways it was a relief to notice that 'oh look I can still spew random porn at the screen yay' at least. But lol wtf ever is this pairing? A lot of this isn't even my kinks per se but it... seemed to fit. Because I bet Darcey knows how to use her feet for more than dancing...

And yeah, obviously I can't write pwp and scene setting must occur. I'm so, so immensely pleased that you appreciated that particular section. I wasn't thinking about her status as a ballerina per se, it was more of a general stab at expectations placed on dommes as fulfillers of fantasy for the benefit of men - but it fits.

Thank you for your enthusiastic comment. And for getting me writing. And for the prompt/plot bunny too... I think. <3


dreamersdare December 8 2015, 19:19:44 UTC
Love to hate me? :D

Totally empathise on the 'oh thank god, turns out I can still write this stuff'. There's an odd sense of achievement linked to it.

To be honest, they're not particularly my kinks either but I think the enjoyment comes from the fact that they do fit and therefore it all flows and there's nothing that jars with my perceptions.

With regard to the scene setting, I had a similar conversation with someone once (from the perspective of the author) and their response was "Well, its obviously a sign of how good an author you are that you've imbued things with meaning on a subconscious level without any overt intent". I thought that was delightfully complimentary (although also kinda untrue) so I shall pass it on to you :)


kat_lair December 9 2015, 20:39:08 UTC
'imbued with a meaning on a subconscious level' lol yeah, i'll use that one from now on to justify all sorts :D


moth2fic November 29 2015, 08:40:05 UTC
Thank you so much - that was a wonderful antidote to my self-imposed reading misery of the moment!


kat_lair November 29 2015, 13:06:27 UTC
Heh, you are most welcome. I wrote this in a couple of hours completely unplanned because some evil person plotbunnied me...


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