Masterchef Fic: and eat it too

Apr 19, 2013 22:26

*cries a little*

Title: and eat it too
Author: Read more... )

masterchef, my fanfiction

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Comments 2

moth2fic April 20 2013, 10:47:16 UTC
Delightful! Or should I say delicious?! Not a pairing I'd ever have thought of, but it works.

I particularly liked:
Gregg shivers at the feel and his grip tightens on the brandy glass. "I don't know," he gasps. "I just... Fuck, John, what are we doing?"

This time John knows the answer, at least he thinks he does. "Messing with the equilibrium," he says and slides his hand up Gregg's arm and shoulder. "Changing the status quo," he says and the words roll off his tongue, slow and clumsy. He can see the way Gregg's eyes wider when John curls his fingers, cupping the back of his neck. "Unbalancing the balance..." It feels like he's free falling, his gaze dropping to Gregg's mouth involuntarily, revealing the final, truest answer he can give to the question asked.

and I very much enjoyed the lines that referenced the title - "No, I don't want that either," he says, lifting his head. "But I do want to... to do this again." He risks brushing quick fingers over Gregg's lips before putting more distance between them. "Can we...?" He huffs ( ... )


kat_lair April 20 2013, 18:23:00 UTC
Trust me, it's not a pairing I ever wanted to think about but... *glares at pushkin666

That said, thank you so much for your comment :) We're super delighted to hear you enjoyed this, especially since you picked out particular bits to highlight *beams*

Ah yes, lol, headlights it is, fixed now :D Thank you!

Haha yes, John and Gregg will have to cope on their own now. I have some other fics I'm poking at but UP fics are on the list too. I feel pretty confident we'll get to them this year :)


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