Pup and Trainer: Going Out - Small Fandom Bang Art 2016

Apr 26, 2016 18:21


Title: Pup and Trainer: Going Out
kat_lair / Mistress Kat
Author: pairatime
Fandom: Southland
Characters/Pairings: Sammy Bryant/Ben Sherman
Rating/Category: PG-13 (Story: NC-17)/Slash
Warnings: Puppy play, D/s, public submission, general kink. Art also includes partial nudity and is spoilery for the fic!

Story summary: Ben had been Bryant’s pup for over a year and after a few ups and downs they are finally settling into a calm relationship. Now Ben is starting to get out more, relax and be his Trainer’s pup around more people then just Bryant…and maybe more then just a pup.

Link to fic master post: Fic on AO3

Artist notes: smallfandombang gives me an annual opportunity to pretend to be an artist, so thank you to the mod for keeping the challenge going. I'm not ashamed to admit that I picked this year's story based solely on the puppy play premise :D There were a number of scenes/aspects of the story that sparked ideas so this was fun to illustrate. Thank you for my author for being patient with me (I'm always super last minute with this challenge due to timing!). Please see here for texture and photo attributions.

The cover was the first graphic I did, and it's probably the most cheerful and angst-free of them :D I had a very clear mental image of this: Ben happy and in a collar, surrounded by projections of his puppy persona which are the German Shepherd pups here. The author asked me to add a golden retriever as well to represent the one actual dog in the story (note there is no bestiality here before you get too alarmed!). Click for fullsize graphic.

These two sets I just wanted to do to illustrate the roles/identities of the characters. It wasn't hard to find caps of Ben looking submissive and Bryant looking quite the opposite. Click for fullsize graphics.

There were two scenes I wanted to illustrate in particular. This first one is Ben hesitating over asking what he wants. The defensive/protective posture of the picture fitted well. The text is a direct quote from the story. Click for fullsize graphic.

The final graphic is my own favourite. It was the line of dialogue in the story that struck me hard, because to me there was a lot of suppressed yearning there that Bryant is putting away for the sake of keeping Ben in his life and preserving what they have. That kind of think will tear you apart is my opinion so I've given this graphic an angstier slant than the author is really going for I think. Subjective intepretation! Click for fullsize graphic.


kink, southland, my graphics

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