Grimm Ficlet: Working Late 2/2

Apr 12, 2016 18:05


Read Working Late 1/2 here first!

Title: Working Late 2/2
Author: Mistress Kat / kat_lair
Fandom: Grimm
Pairing: Nick/Monroe (implied)
Rating: PG
Word count: 300
Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing.

Summary: Nick is working late. Monroe interrupts

Author notes: Second part of margaret_r’s birthday present.

Nick rubbed his eyes, trying to focus on the page. Unfortunately, this particular ancestor of his had not been blessed with the gift of storytelling and he’d somehow managed to make the account of his encounter with a group of Hässlichen sound deathly boring rather than just potentially deadly. Nick was distantly aware that it was getting late and he should probably head home… To Monroe’s house. Which Nick was careful not to call ‘home’, not even in his own head, because that was a dangerous path to likely heartache.

As if summoned by Nick’s thoughts, there was a knock on the trailer door which swung open to reveal Monroe. Nick’s hand relaxed on the crossbow which he had instinctively reached for.

“I could’ve shot you!” he groused, pleased by the interruption but trying to hide it.

“And then who would bring you soup and sandwiches?” Monroe asked mildly, climbing in and starting to unpack the food, unceremoniously shoving books aside to make room for it.

“I’m perfectly capable of feeding myself.” Nick’s objection was somewhat muffled by the sandwich he’d crammed into his mouth. He was suddenly both ravenous and aware of just how stiff his body felt, having been hunched over the books for hours.

“Able, yes,” Monroe agreed, sitting on the couch nearby to watch him eat. “Willing? I have my doubts.”

Nick was too busy spooning the soup into his mouth to argue, warmed by the food but even more so by the fact that Monroe had cared enough to bring it. And now that Nick thought about it, this wasn’t the first time.

Monroe shook his head, smiling at him fondly. “That’s what I thought,” he said. “You’re exhausted. Finish your dinner. And then we’re going home. No protests!”

Nick nodded, finding he had none.


grimm, my fanfiction

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